- Let's tour London. 我們周遊倫敦吧。
- Consider the interactive travelogue disc: you tour London, complete with narration and moving video, just as with current television. 讓我們來看看互動式旅遊軟盤吧:你在遊覽倫敦,身上帶著有關的導遊錄像和解釋詞錄音,就像帶著現在的電視機。
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is taking it toll on China 's tour industry. 嚴重急性呼吸道綜合症使中國的旅遊行業遭受了損失。
- According to the spokeswoman" The purpose of Lee Teng-hui' s tour was to create fanfare for Taiwan Independence and sabotage Sino-Japanese relations". 發言人姜瑜表示;"李登輝訪日;目的在於為台獨做宣傳;並破壞中日關係".
- And then, the writer studies the Fuqing"s tour strategic environment by using SWOT in order to point out five types of Fuqing"s cultural resources. 然後運用SWOT方法對福清的旅遊戰略環境進行分析,並將福清市文化旅遊資源整合為五大類;
- Comprehensive report, Dubai -- The newspapers in Gulf States called U.S. Vice President Cheney 's tour of the Middle East a failure on Monday. (迪拜綜合電)海灣國家報章星期一稱,美國副總統切尼此次中東之行是失敗的。
- ENGLAND'S tour of humiliation sank still further into the abyss today when it was bowled out for a measly 110 from 34.3 Overs to surrender the Tri-series match to Australia. 英國游更加屈辱的深淵沉沒今天倒是每回出進賬34.;3保交出110來自三國系列賽澳大利亞。
- While Spurs counterpart Martin Jol tours London art galleries looking at Dutch art, Mourinho takes his mind off the pressure with a carefree knockabout. 當熱刺的在研究戰術時,莫里尼奧則把他的經歷放在悠閑的嬉戲中。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要發脾氣。
- Let me get my bits and pieces together. 讓我把我的零碎東西收拾起來。
- Let's go for a picnic by the riverside. 我們到河邊野餐去吧。
- Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. 如實說你的想法。
- Volvo C30 - Adding to Race Driver: GRID's touring car roster comes the C30, Volvo's agile, cutting edge hot-hatch straight from the STCC grid. 這款1971賽道版作為美利堅的一個傳奇,被加入了GRID受人尊敬的古典肌肉車組別。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然這樣,我們就早點開始。
- Let 's go upstairs on the top deck: you can see London much better. 咱們向頂層甲板上吧。從那兒你能更好地欣賞倫敦美景。
- He let himself down slowly by means of a tope. 他藉助一根繩子慢慢地下來了。
- Let's dunk in the pool before dinner. 我們飯前到池塘里泡一會兒。
- Let's clean down the board before we paint it. 讓我們在上漆以前把這塊板洗乾淨。
- The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群後退讓運動員們通過。
- I hope you can pardon his badness and let him start all over again. 希望您能原諒他的不好,讓他從新開始。