- My father' s philosophy is to work hard and be kind to others. 我父親的處世哲學是:努力工作,與人為善。
- Because "Tao" is "Nothingness", so Laozi s philosophy is no... 有「無」為哲學基礎,老子的哲學充滿了無限的自由。
- IGO's philosophy is to have students gain practical knowledge during study. IGO的宗旨是使學生在學習的過程中獲得實踐的知識。
- Lao - tse' s philosophy 老子哲學
- And then, I will show how Chen, Barker and Andersen to use Barsalou』s frame theory to explain Kuhn』s philosophy. 然後說明陳向等人如何使用框架理論詮釋孔恩的科學哲學。
- As the heroes of rebellion, Yossarian and Orr』s experiences are interpretations of Camus』s philosophy. 作為「反抗荒謬」的「英雄們」,約塞連、奧爾以其經歷實踐並證實了加繆的哲學思想。
- Yet, without her being aware of it, HPB's philosophy was imbued with the spirit of the age. 然而,她並沒有意識到,她的哲學充滿時代精神。
- Kiyama realized that Lu Xun』s philosophy has his own unique features besides Nietzschean decisiveness. 自我與他人都被罪感所纏繞,於是只能陷於苦難的大澤。
- Chapter one ,the author summarize the relationship between Ricoeur』s philosophy and the problem of temporality. 尤其重要的是,作者還提出了他的關於「時間詮釋學」之新見解。
- Great art, conceived unapologetically in European canonic terms, occupies a crucial place in Levinas』s philosophy. 偉大的藝術,就其在歐洲典範的術語中毫無辯解地被構想來看(在歐洲,它是被典範的術語毫無爭議的被構想著),在列維納斯的哲學中佔據著一個至關重要的位置。
- "Yi" is one of the core concepts of Xun zi s philosophy,and has an important function in the system of it. 「一」是荀子哲學的核心性概念之一,並且在荀子哲學體系中起著一以貫之的重要作用。
- Concluding its historical status and finity, attempting to revalue Dewey』s philosophy of education. 揭示其在西方教育哲學史上的歷史地位和有限性,嘗試對杜威教育哲學進行再評價。
- The second part: to mainly explicate the thought of people"s highest purpose theory in Kant"s philosophy. 第二部分,主要闡述康德的哲學思想中所體現的人是最高目的的目的論思想;
- While exploring the characters' complex souls, O'Neill is apparently influenced by Freud's psychoanalysis and Nietzsche's philosophy. 在探求人物複雜心靈方面.奧尼爾明顯接受了弗洛伊德的精神分析法和尼採的哲學思想的影響。
- Lao Zhang did not immediately speak his mind. 老張沒有馬上把心裡話講出來。
- To define mental freedom as the main point of Zhuang Zi"s philosophy need demonstrate the relationship between Peripateticism and the other parts. 將逍遙遊(精神自由)作為莊子哲學的主旨,對此所作的論證是通過考察逍遙遊和莊子哲學的其他部分之間的關係展開的。
- Now Lao Jiao took even more interest in his job. 現在老焦對工作興趣更大了。
- Work values is the sable component in one』s philosophy, which will influence the attitude to job and the vocational behavior. 工作價值觀是人生觀中相對穩定的東西,它會在職業生涯中影響人們的工作態度、職業行為、責任心以及忠誠度。
- Naturalism was the starling point of examining euhural alienation in Lao - tse' philosophy and also its end - result. 認為「智」、「巧」本身就是大道的沉淪,是對澄明之存在的遮蔽;
- The epilogue summarizes and appraises Beauvoir』s philosophy thoughts and consequently indicates the value of her novel. 結語部分對波伏娃小說的哲學思想進一步做出歸納和評價,從而彰顯其小說的獨特價值。