- Building a new land reclamation projects cleared. 新大樓開荒工程清理。
- Suitability evaluation of reclaimed land is a foundation for land reclamation. 復墾土地的適宜評價,是土地復墾的基礎工作。
- Tongshan County in Jiangsu Province invested 56 million yuan to reclaim 6,600 hectares of land, basically balancing land reclamation with land use. 江蘇省銅山縣七年投資5600萬元,復墾土地0.;66萬公頃,實現了復墾與用地的基本平衡。
- Destroying forest or burning vegetation for land reclamation and stripping vegetation and digging up tree stumps on steep hill slopes or in arid regions shall be prohibited. 禁止毀林開荒、燒山開荒和在陡坡地、乾旱地區鏟草皮、挖樹兜。
- Reclaiming land from Qiantang River is a wonder in the human history of land reclamation. 圍墾錢塘江灘涂是人類造地史上的一個奇迹。
- Now researches of 4D application are on probing phases theoretically in land reclamation of metal mine. 目前4D在金屬礦山土地復墾中的應用研究在理論上處於探索階段。
- Students also suggested land reclamation for building a lighthouse as a landmark of Hong Kong . 同學並建議填海增加土地,建設一座大燈塔作為香港新地標,和文化中心為市民提供文化藝術表演場地。
- It provides theory foundation for collapse land reclamation potence of other mining areas. 為其他礦區塌陷土地復墾潛力評價提供了理論依據。
- This method provides base for the plan of scientific reasonable land reclamation. 該方法為科學合理地制定土地復墾方案提供了依據。
- When built it was located on the sea shore, but with all the land reclamation it is now sited about one mile inland! 隨著近一百四十多年的 填海造地(land reclamation ),它目前所處的位置已經離海岸大約有一英里距離!
- The using of dredger fill Land Reclamation has been a very common thing, due to the needs of economic development. 一直以來,由於經濟發展的需要,利用吹填土圍海造地是十分常見的事。
- Land reclamation is an important measure for the sustainable usage of land resources in mining area. 土地復墾是保證礦區土地資源可持續利用的重要途徑之一。
- Destroying forest or burning vegetation for land reclamation, or building dykes to reclaim land from a lake or reclaiming slopes banned by the State shall be prohibited. 禁止毀林開荒、燒山開荒、圍湖造田以及開墾國家禁止開墾的陡坡地。
- For lack of ability of reclamation or for failure to meet the required reclamation,land reclamation fees shall be paid,for use in land reclamation. 沒有條件復墾或者復墾不符合要求的,應當繳納土地復墾費,專項用於土地復墾。
- Tongshan County in Jiangsu Province invested 56 million yuan to reclaim 6,600 hectares of land,basically balancing land reclamation with land use. 江蘇省銅山縣七年投資5600萬元,復墾土地0.;66萬公頃,實現了復墾與用地的基本平衡。
- Rigorous measures shall be adopted to protect the vegetation of the grasslands; land reclamation and destruction of grasslands shall be prohibited. 嚴格保護草原植被,禁止開墾和破壞。
- About 6500 tonnes out of the 28500 tonnes were dumped at landfills every day. The rest was delivered to public filling areas for use in land reclamation. 每日28500公噸廢物中,約6500公噸棄置於堆填區,其餘會運往公眾堆填區,作填海用途。
- Starting from May 1956, the XPCC was subordinated to the dual leadership of the Ministry of State Farms and Land Reclamation and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 1956年5月起,兵團受國家農墾部和新疆維吾爾自治區雙重領導。
- Article 10. Rigorous measures shall be adopted to protect the vegetation of the grasslands; land reclamation and destruction of grasslands shall be prohibited. 第十條 嚴格保護草原植被,禁止開墾和破壞。