- How Was the Lady Queen Mother Portrayed as the All Mighty Goddess in the Portraits of Han Dynasty 漢畫像石中西王母的至上神努力
- The queen mother waved to the crowd. 王太後向人群揮手。
- As his reward, the Heavenly Queen Mother gave him a bottle of magic liquid. 是的。為了獎勵他,王母娘娘給了他一瓶神奇的藥水。
- The youngest daughter of the Hawkwinters strode past him with the absently confident air that made the servants privately call her the Little Lady Queen of All Waterdeep. 管家走進門,站在舊的紅色微光地毯盡頭,敲響了鐫刻著優美螺旋紋飾的黃銅鐘。
- The Lady of our century: the Queen Mother 世紀女性:女王太后
- As his reward, the Heavenly Queen Mother gave Hou Yi the Elixir of Immortality, but she warned him that he must use it wisely. 為了獎勵后羿,王母娘娘賜給后羿一種長生不老葯,但是王母警告他必須正當使用。
- It is when surrounded by military or racing types that the Queen Mother obviously enjoys herself. 每當置身於軍人或賽馬人士之中,王太后明顯地感到其樂融融。
- The Queen Mother last came to the school in 1991 and spent 3.5 hours here,during which time she spoke to about half the 500 pupils. 王太後上次來學校是1991年,在這裡呆了三個半小時,跟500名學生中的大約一半人說了話。
- Afterwards she born a beautiful son, hence the queen mother at once write letter, and report the good news to him. 後來她生了一個漂亮的兒子,於是太后趕快寫信,向他報告好消息。
- The Western Queen Mother obtained it, and settled at Shao Guang, since when and until when, no one knows. 西王母得之,則獨居少廣,沒有人知道她在什麼時候開始住在那,也沒有人知道她會住多久;
- Another lefty, as has been revealed by a candid photo, is Britain's Queen Mother Elizabeth. 一張真實的照片透露出,英國王太后伊麗莎白也是個左撇子。
- Wo years (AD 490 years) von Queen Mother's death, only 49 years old, posthumous title, "Empress Dowager too civilized. 太和十四年(公元490年)馮太後去世,年僅49歲,謚「文明太皇太后」。
- Our Lady Queen of Angels Mass Centre 天神之後彌撒中心
- But the real governor is bigotry group led by Cixi, the queen mother, who abominated and opposed those measures. 但是真正執掌大全的是以慈禧太後為首的頑固派,他們非常憎恨這些舉措,強烈反對。
- Myths and legends in this West Queen Mother had bathed, people are now summer tourist attractions. 神話傳說西天王母曾在此沐浴,如今卻是人們避暑遊覽勝地。
- And many of the royals were surprised at how beautiful and mature the once-gawky girl had become.Even the Queen Mother. 而女人呢,在性高潮過程中,體內分泌腎上腺素和雌性激素,前一種激素能讓女人的皮膚更光澤更有彈性,后一種激素能讓女人的卵巢工作正常。
- Queen Mother Zaine of Jordan, returning from a visit to Europe, included a hula in her luggage. 約旦的扎伊奈太后旅歐返國時,行李中也裝著一個呼拉圈
- The Queen Mother of the West was furious at Sun Wukong because he ruined her peach party. 因為孫悟空攪了蟠桃盛會,西王母大發雷霆。
- The king's mother was formidable old lady. 國王的母親是個令人望而生畏的老婦人。
- Li people after the death of Queen Mother called her "Jiulian Bodhisattva", kept in a Sili Jiulian like the Buddha. 李太后死後人們叫她「九蓮菩薩」,寺里一直保存著一幅九蓮菩薩像。