- 不過,日本首相福田康夫(Yasuo Fukuda)很讚賞白川方明的技術實力和國際經驗。But Yasuo Fukuda, prime minister, praised Mr Shirakawa's technical prowess and international experience.
- 日本Yasuo Takei家族31億美元的資產因日本國內的通貨緊縮和連續10多年的經濟衰退而不斷縮水,導致其排名下降了14位,屈居第51名。A loser was Japan's Yasuo Takei and family,whose %243.1 billion in losses dropped him 14 places to No.51 as the country battles deflation and a decade-long economic slowdown.
- (1899-1957)美國電影演員。(1899-1957) American film actor.
- 布爾戰爭(1899-1902)的地圖遺產The Cartographic Legacy of the Anglo-Boer War
- 美北長老會在華南的活動研究(1837-1899)The Activities of American Presbyterian Church (North) in South China (1837-1899)
- 在此方案,函數返回"December 30,1899"的值。In this scenario, the function returns a value of "December 30, 1899."
- 在1954年獲得諾貝爾文學獎的美國小說家(1899-1961)an American writer of fiction who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954 (1899-1961)
- 因為日期值的CTime對象日期越界"December 30,1899"是出現此問題。This issue occurs because the date value "December 30, 1899" is out of the range of CTime object dates.
- 不同位點變異率(%)與證候相關,肝腎陰虛1764(38%),1896(68%),1899(38%);The rate of mutation of different sites are related to the type of TCM syndrome,Yin deficiency of liver and kidney 1764(38%25),1896(68%25),1899(38%25);
- 如果year位於0(零)到1899(包含)之間,則Excel會將該值加上1900,再計算年份。If year is between 0 (zero) and 1899 (inclusive), Excel adds that value to 1900 to calculate the year.
- 波斯特,韋雷1899-1935美國航天家,是首次單獨繞地球飛行的飛行員(1933年)American manufacturer of breakfast cereals and the coffee-substitute Postum.
- 佩吉特,詹姆斯1814-1899英國外科醫生和病理學家,他發現(1834年)了旋毛蟲病的原因British surgeon and pathologist who discovered(1834)the cause of trichinosis.
- 默根特勒,奧特瑪1854-1899德裔美國發明家,他發明了鑄造排字機(1884年取得專利權)German - born American inventor of the Linotype typesetting machine(patented1884.
- 博格斯,若熱 路易斯1899-1986阿根廷作家,以其深奧和富於想象力的短篇小說而尤為著名Argentinian writer particularly known for his short stories, which have a metaphysical, fantastic quality.
- 潘光旦 (1899- 196 7) ,江蘇寶山縣人 ,是我國著名優生學家和社會學家 ,也是教育家。Pan Guangdan(1899-1967), He/s from Bao Shan county Jiang Su province, well known Chinese eugenicist, sociologist and educator.
- 默根特勒,奧特瑪1854-1899德裔美國發明家,他發明了鑄造排字機(1884年取得專利權)German-born American inventor of the Linotype typesetting machine(patented1884).
- 佩吉特·詹姆斯(1814-1899)英國外科醫生和病理學家,他於1834年發現了旋毛蟲病的原因。Paget James (1814-1899) British surgeon and pathologist who discovered the cause of trichinosis(1834).
- 李普曼,弗里茲·阿爾貝特1899-1986德裔美籍生化學家,因對新陳代謝過程的研究而獲1953年諾貝爾獎German-born American biochemist. He shared a1953 Nobel Prize for studies of metabolic processes.
- 球形棕囊藻 P. globosa Scherffel, 1899 普林藻屬(Prymnesium Massart ex Conrad,1926)globosa Scherffel, 1899Genus Prymnesium Massart ex Conrad, 1926P.
- 博格斯,若熱·路易斯1899-1986阿根廷作家,以其深奧和富於想象力的短篇小說而尤為著名。Argentinian writer particularly known for his short stories,which have a metaphysical,fantastic quality.