- Sheds only once a year during a 4 week time period. 掉毛時間為一次一年,但是時間長達4周。
- But Christmas comes only once a year. 可惜每年只有一次啊!
- Female pandas ovulate only once a year, in the spring. 一年雌熊貓僅僅在春天排卵。
- Thoroughly clean the entire house,often done only once a year. 徹底地打掃房屋,經常是每年一次。
- Only once a year, the couple could meet on the Milky Way. 牛郎與織女一年才能在鵲橋上相會一次。
- Viticulture : Short pruning (double guyot); weeding only once a year, hand-picking with double sorting. 種植方式:單臂籬架,短梢修剪;隔行留草,手工精選採收
- C) The holiday is coming to an end, this is a holiday nostalgia, because only once a year! 三)假期快結束了,很留戀這一個假期,因為一年才有一次嘛!
- Mail comes to this remote village only once a week. 郵車每周只到這個偏僻的村莊一次。
- Comprehensive Games only once a year, and in the course of each project are for college or grade units. 綜合類運動會每年只有一次,而且每個項目開展過程中均以學院或年級為單位。
- Going a step further, Katz suggests thinking about your investments only once a quarter or once a year. 另外,凱茲也建議大家只需要一季度或一年考慮一次投資就夠了。
- Mature Christmas Island red crabs probably moult only once a year, as their growth rate slows. 成年聖誕島紅蟹或許一年只蛻一次殼,因為它們生長緩慢。
- They get together once a year at Christmas time. 他們每年聖誕節時聚會一次。
- Which is better, a clock that is right only once a year, or a clock that is right twice every day? "The latter," you reply, "unquestionably." Very good, now attend. 兩隻手錶哪一隻表更好?一隻表一年只準時一次的還是每天準時兩次的?「后一個,」你回答,「毫無疑問的!」回答很好,但請留神。
- Once a year a race is held for old cars. 每年舉行一次舊式小汽車比賽。
- The holidays can be stressful, no doubt about it: the crowds, the hassles, the cold weather, those annoying relatives you thankfully see only once a year. 假期可能會感到緊迫、毫無疑問:擁擠、爭吵、寒冷,還有那些多虧一年只見一次面的煩人親戚們。
- The farmers here sow once a year. 這裡的農民一年播一次種子。
- We resolved to visit Europe at least once a year. 我們決定至少每年訪問歐洲一次。
- Even if this person can come only once a year, he or she can add much depth to the study, making suggestions about study materials, answering perplexing questions on content and so forth. 即使這個導師一年只能來一次,他或她也可幫你加深學習、提出學習材料方面的建議,回答一些令人困惑的問題等等。
- I go to the barber's only once a month. 我一個月上理髮店一次。
- It' s only a day' s sailing from here to Shanghai. 從這裡去上海只有一天的航程。0?