- She ask for her room to be changed, because it be too noisy. 她要求換房,這房子太吵了。
- DuDu: But an elephant would be too noisy. 都都:但是大象會太吵了。
- You should learn basic ethics from a young age; otherwise, it ll be too late. 那些基本的道德應該從小就要學,否則等長大以後就來不及了。
- The dance last night was a rat race. It was too noisy and crowded. 昨晚的舞會又吵又擠,簡直是一團糟。
- The party last night was a rat race . It was too noisy and crowded. 昨天的派對真是混亂,真的是吵翻天又擠到不行!
- Locals initially fretted that the turbines would be too noisy. 當地人最初警告說,渦輪機將會產生過多噪音。
- Back on the bus, it was too noisy again. Lola felt sulky now. 回到校車上,還是吵的不可開交,蘿拉開始悶悶不樂了!
- I can't take time out or I'll be too far behind on my work. 我不能停下,否則就會大大落後進度了。
- Then we would learn that we had been too noisy. 我們馬上知道太吵了!
- If your neighbours are too noisy then you have cause for complaint. 如果你的鄰居太喧嘩,你就有理由投訴。
- If your neighbour are too noisy then you have cause for complaint. 如果鄰居太吵了,你就有理由抱怨。
- I ought to do some studying, as I've got masses of work to do, but I think I'll be too tired. 我該學習研究一番,因為我有許多工作要做,但我想我會太累的。
- Sure thing, I'll be glad to do it for you. 當然,我很高興為你做這事。
- Our neighbor threatened to take us to court for being too noisy at night. 有位鄰居威脅要因為晚上太吵而控告我們。
- Don't rub it too harder.OK, I'll be gentler. 母甘大力啦,好,我溫柔的。
- Let me fix my hair (ie brush and comb it) and I'll be ready. 我梳梳頭,馬上就好。
- The reason for some messangers' hearing no instruction to turn off their radios is that the radios were too noisy. 有些乘客聽不到要求關掉收音機的指示是因為他們的收音機開得實在是太大聲了。
- She asks for her room to be changed,because it is too noisy. 她要求換房,這房子太吵了。
- Don't be too hard on him; he didn't mean to do it. 不要對他太嚴厲,他並不是故意這麼做的。
- Hang on! I'll be back in a minute. 等一下,我一會兒就來。