- Bill Clinton and Al Gore won the 1992 presidential election. 比爾?柯林頓和阿爾?戈爾贏得了1992年總統選舉,
- It is a very great honor to introduce Vlce President, Al Gore. 讓我們熱烈歡迎副總統阿爾·戈爾。
- Former Vice President Al Gore was the guest speaker. 前副總統阿爾.;戈爾也應邀發言。
- So did Paul Tsongas, but he spoke up for Al Gore and me, too. 但聰格斯也替我和艾爾.;戈爾講了一些好話。
- Former Vice President Al Gore has arrived in Oslo,Norway. 美國前副總統阿爾戈爾抵達挪威奧斯陸。
- He chose Senator Al Gore of Tennessee to be his vice president in the election. 他選擇田納西州的參議員阿爾?戈爾在選舉中作為他的副總統候選人。
- "How can you tell Al Gore from a room full of Secret Service agents? ""你知道怎樣從一屋子 要求私人服務的顧客中辨出阿 爾·戈爾?
- Freed from the constraints of the traditional debate format, Vice President Quayle and Democrat Al Gore went after each other with a vengeance, creating a confrontation that was always lively, often combative, occasionally mean-spirited. 不受以往辯論形式的拘束,副總統奎爾和民主黨的戈爾窮追不捨互相猛烈攻擊。結果雙方對抗始終活潑生動,常有戰鬥意味,有進則風度欠佳。
- Democrats blame him for siphoning off critical votes from Al Gore back in 2000. 民主黨指責他在2000年大選中搶走了阿爾?戈爾的關鍵選票。
- The Florida Supreme Court and a state court judge dealt Al Gore's lawyers a double defeat Friday in their bid to begin recounting of thousands of ballots immediately. 佛羅里達州最高法院與地方法院周五再度駁回戈爾律師團的上訴,即要求佛州立刻重驗上萬張的問題選票。
- M.C.:Twenty-five years ago, vice President Al Gore received a degree in Government, with Honors, from Harvard College. 主持人:25年前,副總統阿爾·戈爾獲哈佛大學授予的行政管理學位證書和優等生榮譽證書。
- It was a character building experience, I learned a lot of new jokes." Al Gore is so boring! 這是一種性格磨鍊,從中我知道不少笑話。"阿爾·戈爾太乏味了!
- Al Gores campaign mantra was coming true. 我們逐漸實現了艾爾.;戈爾競選時的宣傳口號。
- Former US presidential candidate Al Gore wins a Quill award for his book An Inconvenient Truth. 前美國總統候選人戈爾一書中翮獎不便的真理。
- Last year George Bush and Al Gore almost remained neck and neck in the race for White House. 去年布希和戈爾在大選中幾乎不分上下。
- All of us in the networks made a mistake and projected Florida in the Al Gore column.It was our mistake. 我們福克斯新聞說阿爾·戈爾贏得了佛州,那是搞錯了。是我們的失誤。
- For example, in the presidential election last year, both Al Gore and George W. Bush tried to shed their wooden image by making wisecracks before their voters. 比如說,去年的總統選舉中,戈爾和布希都努力擺脫木訥的形象,拚命惡補在選民面前搞笑的本領。
- FTF) Former Vice President Al Gore has called on Americans to elimanate their dependence on oil within 10 years. 諾貝爾和平獎的獲得者戈爾近日又有新舉措,他呼籲美國切斷對石油的依賴,在十年內徹底轉向可再生能源...
- Now, if Bob Kerrey stayed with us we would get fifty votes in the Senate, and Al Gore could break the tie again. 現在,如果鮑勃.;克里繼續同我們站在同一陣線,我們將在參議院獲得50票,而艾爾
- They were working for Current TV, a media company chaired by Mister Clinton's former vice president, Al Gore. 二人供職於潮流電視台,這是一家由柯林頓先生的前副總統戈爾主辦的媒體公司。