- Indonesian rupiah against the dollar in nearly one of the high-point net income in 9220 Indonesia rupiah; 印尼盧比兌美元收於近1年高點,美元收於9220印尼盧比;
- Indonesia is abundant in petroleum deposits. 印尼的石油蘊藏量豐富。
- Its central bank has offered yuan to Indonesia and Argentina in return for rupiah and pesos. 中國央行已經和印度尼西亞及阿根廷建立貨幣互換安排。
- A dialect of Malay that is the official language of Indonesia. 印尼語馬來語的一種方言,被指定為印度尼西亞的官方語言
- Can you change this into Rupiah? 請將這些外幣兌換成印尼盾?
- CCSA HA is of the Rp type of humic acids. 其類型屬於Rp型胡敏酸。
- As for the rupiah, it also fell against US dollar. 盧比對美元的匯率同樣下跌慘重。
- RP is So Hot, Why are Going Out of Business? RP技術如此熱門為什麼不做?
- While commuter trains offer the cheapest form of public transport in Indonesia, charging about 1500 rupiah for 40 kilometers, many people try to ride for free. 在當地,儘管火車票非常便宜,鐵道部門每40公里只向乘客收取1500盧比的費用,但仍有許多人選擇爬到車廂頂上或將自己吊在車窗外免費搭乘火車。
- Rp: Do you have anything to say to Caesar? 記者:那你現在有什麽話要對凱撒說的?
- Same thing should happen in a RP. 同樣的事情應該發生在一個反相。
- Jiang's overseas push began in December 2006 with the purchase of a 90 percent stake in PT Bank Halim Indonesia for 90 billion rupiah ($10 million). 姜建清的海外拓展計畫始於2006年12月,以900億印尼盾(1000萬美元)買下印尼哈林姆銀行90%25的股份;
- L ithoca rp us hancei (Ben th. ) R ehd. 、星毛石櫟 L ithoca rp us p etelotii A.
- There are currently no effective treatments for RP. 目前還沒有有效的治療方法為反相。
- Bali is a beautiful island in Indonesia. 巴里島是印尼一座美麗的島。
- Have you changed your spray gun to SATAjet RP ? 你的噴槍換成RP噴槍了嗎?
- Indonesia palm oil in the spot market on November 19 prices, Medan CPO 4815-5060 quotations for the Indonesian rupiah / kg. 印度尼西亞棕櫚油現貨市場11月19日價格上漲,棉蘭毛棕櫚油報價為4,815至5,060印尼盾/公斤。
- Another one: avoid jargon when writing your RP. 另一位:避免行話寫作時您的RP 。
- Able to speak in English,chinese,Bahasa Indonesia. 可以說中文,英語,印尼語。
- The Japanese moved into Indonesia and Burma. 日本人進入了印度尼西亞和緬甸。