- Objective: To introduce inhaled iloprost for the treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension. 摘要目的:介紹治療原發性肺動脈高壓的吸入性伊洛前列素。
- In 9 patients on chronic intravenous prostanoids, 8 transitioned from intravenous prostanoids to inhaled iloprost, which continued during follow-up. 9例長期靜脈應用類前列腺素的患者中,8例從靜脈應用類前列素改為吸入伊洛前列素並且在隨訪期間一直持續應用。
- Results and Conclusion: Inhaled iloprost can reduce pulmonary vascular resistance and delay the development of primary pulmonary hypertension. 結果和結倫:吸入性伊洛前列素治療可以降低肺血管阻力和延緩原發性肺動脈高壓的進程。
- Background: Inhaled iloprost has been approved for the treatment of adults with PAH, but little is known about the effects in children with PAH. 背景:吸入伊洛前列素被證實可用於治療成人PAH,但其對兒童PAH的作用尚不清楚。
- Conclusion Inhaling iloprost and pulmonary injection of phentolamine can both effectively differentiate the functional and occlusive PAH in CHD. 酚妥拉明用藥前後,肺循環和體循環的壓力、阻力和血流量都有明顯變化。
- Results and Conclusion:Inhaled iloprost can reduce pulmonary vascular resistance and delay the development of primary pulmonary hypertension. 結果和結論:吸入性伊洛前列素治療可以降低肺血管阻力和延緩原發性肺動脈高壓的進程。
- Conclusions: Inhaled iloprost caused sustained functional improvement in some children with PAH, although inhaled iloprost occasionally induced bronchoconstriction. 結論:吸入伊洛前列素對部分PAH兒童有長期的功能改善,雖然偶爾導致支氣管收縮。
- Of those patients, 32 were selected to receive inhaled iloprost (a prostacyclin analog) along with bosentan, while the remainder took a placebo and bosentan. 在這些病人中,32例採用吸入性伊洛前列素(一種前列腺幻素的類似物)和波生坦的聯合用藥,其餘病人採用安慰劑和波生坦治療。
- Acute iloprost inhalation reduced forced expiratory volume in 1 s and mid-volume forced expiratory flow by 5% and 10%, respectively, consistent with acute bronchoconstriction. 急性伊洛前列素吸入分別降低1秒用力呼氣量和呼氣中段流速5%25和10%25,與急性支氣管收縮一致。
- Sixty-four percent of patients continued receiving long-term iloprost therapy, 36% stopped iloprost, due to lower airway reactivity, clinical deterioration, or death. 64%25患者繼續使用長期伊洛前列素吸入、36%25患者因為低氣道反應性、臨床惡化或死亡而停止使用伊洛前列素。
- Results: Acute administration of inhaled iloprost lowered mean pulmonary artery pressure equivalent to the response to inhaled nitric oxide with oxygen. 結果:吸入伊洛前列素對肺動脈壓力的降低與吸入一氧化氮加氧氣的作用相等。
- Zangeler E G, Hinsbergh V W. Norepinephrine and iloprost improve barrier function of human endothelial cell monolayers. Role of cAMP\[J\]. Am J Physiol 1994,260(5):c1052-1058. 黃嶄;陳凇娟.;卡維地洛治療高血壓的臨床療效及對血脂、糖代謝的影響\\[J\\]
- Cardiac catheterization, standard lung function testing before and after iloprost inhalation, 6-min walk test, World Health Organization functional class, and hemodynamic parameters were monitored. 研究監測了吸入前後的心導管檢查、標準肺功能檢查,6分鐘步行實驗、世界衛生組織功能分級和血流動力學指標。
- Keywords iloprost;administration;inhalation;review;hypertension;pulmonary; 伊洛前列素;投藥;吸入;綜述;高血壓;肺性;
- Keywords partial liquid ventilation;perfluorocarbon;acute lung injury;iloprost; 部分液體通氣;全氟化碳;急性肺損傷;伊洛前列素;
- Inhaled iloprost in eight heart transplant recipients presenting with post-bypass acute right ventricular dysfunction 對八例行心臟移植術、轉流后出現急性右心室功能不全的患者吸入依洛前列素的報道
- Ilomedin 伊落前列素, 伊洛前列[周圍血管擴張葯]
- Keywords acute lung injury;acute respiratory distress syndrome;perfluorocarbon;partial liquid ventilation;Iloprost;hypoxemia;pulmonary hypertension; 急性肺損傷;急性呼吸窘迫綜合征;部分液體通氣;油酸;伊洛前列素;低氧血症;氧合指數;肺靜態順應性;
- iloprost 伊洛前列素<前列腺素類葯>