- CITY-green模型CITY-green model
- 在City文本框中輸入文本。Enter text in the City text box.
- politics 一詞源自希臘語,意思是 city。The word 'politics' is derived from a Greek word meaning 'city'.
- 當前「City」值在下拉列表中已預選擇。The current City value is preselected in the drop-down list.
- 當用戶在city或state欄位中輸入新的值時,When a user puts in a new value for either the city or state field, the
- 第3課中顯示WeatherData事件類有五個欄位:City、Date、Low、High和Forecast。As shown in Lesson 3, the WeatherData event class has five fields: City, Date, Low, High, and Forecast.
- 下面的代碼示例演示如何在以下三個文本框中設置輸入模式:Name、Phone和City。The following code example shows setting the input mode on three text boxes: Name, Phone, and City.
- 下面這個GROUP BY子句返回在Month-City-Product切片和Year-State-Product切片上聚合的數據This shows the resulting GROUP-BY clause for a query returning data at the Month-City-Product slice and also at the Year-State-Product slice
- 例如,如果您指定New York City,「短語檢測」工具提供"New York City"作為可能的查詢條件。For example, when you specify New York City, the Phrase Detection tool offers "New York City" as a possible query term.
- StateProvince(New South Wales)和City(Alexandria)的默認值不包含分銷商商店,因此將顯示NoRows消息。The default values for StateProvince (New South Wales) and City (Alexandria) have no reseller stores, so the NoRows message appears.
- 喜劇影集《慾望城市》(Sex and the city)里過著奢侈生活的摩登女郎,在現實生活中都市的馬路上能找到她的原形嗎?Is it possible to go from living like a character from Sex and the City to living on the streets of the city?
- 約在20年前,香港電台電視部每星期日正午,在港島維多利亞公園涼亭舉辦City Forum節目(有一段時間是Kowloon公園)。About 20 years ago,Radio Television Hong Kong (RDHK) started City Forum,a programme televised live at noon every Sunday from Victoria Park in downtown Hong Kong (or,for some time,from another park in Kowloon).
- 舉例來說,生育法律政策中心(CRLP)的Ferguson v.City of Charleston案件對逮捕吸毒成癮的婦女以及使她們遠離自己的孩子的體制進行了挑戰。For example, CRLP's case Ferguson v. City of Charleston challenged a scheme to arrest drug-addicted women and remove them from their children.
- 舉例來說,生育法律政策中心(CRLP)的ferguson v. City of Charleston案件對逮捕吸毒成癮的婦女以及使她們遠離自己的孩子的體制進行了挑戰。For example, CRLP's case Ferguson v. City of Charleston challenged a scheme to arrest drug-addicted women and remove them from their children.