- Recent Dali Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous County Government signed a letter of intent, the two scenic spots on the Wei Baoshan cooperation projects. 公司近期與大理巍山彝族回族自治縣政府簽署合作意向書,雙方就巍寶山風景名勝區項目開展合作。
- Tianshui municipal Qincheng, North Road, District 2, Qin, water, Gangu, Wu Shan, Zhang Chuan Hui Autonomous County 5, 138 townships, 11 towns and 11 district offices. 天水市轄秦城、北道2區,秦安、清水、甘谷、武山、張家川回族自治縣5縣,138個鄉,11個鎮,11個街道辦事處。
- Feng Qinzhou xiao wang ancestors was a "client", "town of Qin" inqin ting (now South Zhangjiachuan Hui Autonomous County) to build urban-eup, place the start. 周孝王後來封秦的祖先為「附庸」,「邑之秦」,在秦亭(今張家川回族自治縣城南)築城建邑,始有立足之地。
- The economy of the Hui nationality that the article tries autonomous county of the Hui nationality of big plant and Mohammedan the relation between is made discuss. 本文試就大廠回族自治縣的回族經濟與伊斯蘭教之間的關係作一探討。
- The thesis, taking Tongxin County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region as a model place for investigation and case study, focuses on the history of Islamic education and its vicissitude in modern times. 回族作為一個信仰伊斯蘭教的民族,其文化和教育都具有濃厚的伊斯蘭色彩。
- Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 寧夏回族自治區鹽池縣
- The natural conditions of Dongxiang Autonomous County of Gansu Province are abominable,famous for "being arduous". 甘肅省東鄉族自治縣自然條件惡劣,以「苦瘠甲天下」著稱。
- Weichang Manchu Mongolian Autonomous County of Hebei Province, establishing a new Fluorite Mine. 河北省圍場滿族蒙古族自治縣立新螢石礦。
- Simao region of the Lahu Autonomous County of Lancang in a small way in the distribution. 思茅地區的瀾滄拉祜族自治縣也有少量分佈。
- The Tajik nationality lives in Taxkorgan autonomous County of Xinjiang, a strategic pass in the Pamirs through which the ancient Silk Road crosses. 塔吉克族居住在新疆塔什庫爾干自治縣,該地是帕米爾高原上古代"絲綢之路"的重要通道
- Redcliffe monuments in the Guanling Buyi and Miao Autonomous County of Guizhou drying a hill from the Huangguoshu Falls about seven kilometers. 紅崖古迹位於貴州關嶺布依族苗族自治縣的曬甲山上,距黃果樹大瀑布約7公里。
- It is reported that the suspect is indeed light-lived Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County of Guangxi Sichuan Tangqiao Tuen Mun Town, BAI Dan village. 據介紹,嫌疑人玉確光家住廣西環江毛南族自治縣川山鎮白丹村塘橋屯。
- Aksay Kazak Autonomous County of animal husbandry is the basis of industry, farmers and herdsmen increasing wealth is the dominant industry. 畜牧業是阿克塞哈薩克族自治縣的基礎產業,也是農牧民增收致富的主導產業。
- Xiuyan Jade, produced by the world as "jade homespun" Anshan City in Liaoning Province Manchu Autonomous County of Xiuyan. 岫岩玉,產自被世人譽為「玉鄉」的遼寧省鞍山市岫岩滿族自治縣。
- A few days ago, of all ethnic groups in Longlin Autonomous County of the lung or a junior high school, "the prevention of AIDS life skills" classes so that students benefit. 日前,在隆林各族自治縣隆或初中的一堂「預防艾滋病生活技能」課,讓同學們受益匪淺。
- Yunnan has the Dulong is one of the nation, live in Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County of Yunnan Province and Myanmar in the northwest border of the Drung River Basin. 獨龍族是雲南的都有民族之一,聚居於雲南省貢山獨龍族怒族自治縣西北部中緬邊境一線的獨龍江流域。
- Nearly 1000 pairs of twins gathered in Mojiang, an autonomous county of the Hani ethnic group in Yunnan, Friday to sing and dance, celebrating the annual twin's festival (see photo). 5月1日,近千對各國雙胞胎匯聚雲南省墨江哈尼族自治縣,載歌載舞,歡慶一年一度的墨江國際雙胞胎節(見圖)。
- Zhangye Cityxian xia gan zhou qu , Linze County, the high-profile county, Shandan County, Minle County, Yugur Autonomous County of Sunan, a total of 93 townships, 904 administrative villages. 張掖市現轄甘州區、臨澤縣、高台縣、山丹縣、民樂縣、肅南裕固族自治縣,共有93個鄉鎮,904個行政村。
- Lancang Lahu Autonomous County has set up, Menglian Dai and Wa Autonomous County Lahu, Wa Lahu Bulang Jiang's two-Dai Autonomous County of Hani and Yi Zhen Yuan Lahu Autonomous County. 先後成立瀾滄拉祜族自治縣、孟連傣族拉祜族佤族自治縣、雙江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治縣和鎮沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治縣。