- Examples being Scotland, Venice and Portugal. 象蘇格蘭,威尼斯,葡萄牙。
- In France and Portugal, revenues remained stable. 法國和葡萄牙的收入也相對平穩。
- A new trading agreement was drawn up between Holland and Denmark. 荷蘭與丹麥雙方擬定了一份新的貿易協定。
- A basic unit of currency in Cape Verde and Portugal. 埃斯庫多維德海角和葡萄牙的基本貨幣單位
- Today, the otter is extinct in Belgium, Holland and Switzerland. 現在,在比利時,荷蘭和瑞士的水獺已經滅絕了。
- With the Czechs, England and Portugal it is ok, but France? 捷克、英格蘭和葡萄牙都沒有意見。
- The late events in Spain and Portugal shew that Europe is still unsettled. 西班牙和葡萄牙近來的事件,說明歐洲尚未安定。
- Political science refers to history,and inquires whether England has not in former times drawn from Germany,Italy,Holland,France,Spain,and Portugal by these means a mass of proDuctive power. 政治科學是以歷史為依據的,它要追究的是,英國在以前曾否使用過這樣的方法,從而由德國、義大利、荷蘭、法國、西班牙和葡萄牙獲得了大量生產力。
- Other colonies had arisen in France, Germany, Holland and England, and these also recieved some of the expelled. 其他殖民地出現在法國,德國,荷蘭和英國,而這些也收到一些被驅逐。
- I have been lucky enough to travel to Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Holland and Czech Republic. 我相當幸運地去過德國、法國、義大利、西班牙、摩洛哥、荷蘭以及捷克共和國。
- The Blitzkrieg which claimed Poland, Denmark, Norway, Holland and Belgium was now heading for France. 閃電戰橫掃波蘭、丹麥、荷蘭和比利時,現在法國成了下一個目標。
- For instance, a student held a tourist visa to enter Holland and intended to transfer to MVV locally in 2000 fall. 如果我沒申請到MVV,是否可持觀光簽證先入境,再另外申請MVV?
- Peng Li pointed out, the Macao issue was an important component of the relationship between China and Portugal. 李鵬指出,澳門問題是中葡雙邊關係中的一個重要組成部分。
- In the interim, Holland and the other computational evolutionists had to rely on serial computers to grow evolution. 在此期間,霍蘭德和其他計算進化論者不得不依賴串列計算機培育進化。
- IRANSPORTSPRESS. COM: What do you think about their opponents, Mexico and Portugal? 問:您怎樣看他們的對手墨西哥與葡萄牙?
- He doesn't always get a lot of compliments in Holland and people sometimes question why he's in the national team. 在荷蘭科庫很少受到人們的讚賞,甚至有人提出:為什麼他能在國家隊佔有一席之地?
- At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arried from the areas now know as Holland and Rhineland. 約公元前2000年,從現在的荷蘭和萊茵蘭地區來了寬口陶器人。
- A small, highly manoeuvrable, three-masted ship used by Spain and Portugal for long voyages of exploration. 卡拉維爾快艦是小型三桅快艦,易於操縱,西班牙和葡萄牙人常將其用於遠洋探險。
- Peebles-based Holland and Sherry has taken five years to gather the yarn and another 18 months to develop the cloth. 皮布爾斯郡這家名為Holland and Sherry的廠家花了五年的時間收集絨毛,然後又花了18個月的時間將紗線紡織成布料。