- Great Hing' an Mountains 大興安嶺
- The Great Xing』an Mountain is the cradle of many minorities in the north of China, where a good many ancient nationalities, such as Owenk,Olunchun,Daur nationalities inhabit. 呼倫貝爾的大興安嶺林區是眾多北方少數民族的搖籃,繁衍生息著諸多古老民族,其中鄂溫克、鄂倫春、達斡爾族被呼倫貝爾人稱為「三少民族」。
- It's a forest products industrial base of Inner Mongolia Gret Xing An Mountain District Adiministration, and also an andvanced enterprise in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. 主要從事木材生產,森林培育,林產工業及多種經營活動。自一九五七年開發建設至今,累計為國家生產木材1012萬立方米,鋸材187萬立方米,纖維板28萬立方米。
- Great Hing' anling Mountains 大興安嶺
- This is an act of great heroism. 這是一種了不起的英勇行為。
- He is an artist of great renown. 他是一位極有名望的藝術家。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父親一樣。
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 這篇韻文表現出強烈的激情。
- Having an atomic number greater than 92. 超鈾的原子序數超過92的
- The five main mountain ranges, which constitute Taiwan's skeleton, stretch and expand, and they are Zhong Yang, Yu, Xue, A Li, and Hai An mountain ranges. 山脈是台灣的骨架,五大山脈綿延盤據,分別為中央山脈、玉山山脈、雪山山脈、阿里山山脈與海岸山脈。
- Catherine the Great was apparently an imperial hot pants. 葉卡捷琳娜二世顯然是個風流女皇。
- The royal wedding was an occasion of great festivity. 皇室婚禮是喜慶的盛事。
- The eastern part of the Greater Xing' an Mountains Forest 大興安嶺東部林區
- northern forest region of great Xing' an Mountain 大興安嶺北部林區
- An artist or a performer of great and exemplary skill. 名家,名匠有特殊高超技藝的藝術家表演者
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他這樣才能出眾的人終究會升到最上層的。
- His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音樂和繪畫是他生活中的兩大嗜好。
- In "Alfred the Great", "the Great" is an epithet. 「阿佛利大帝」中的「大帝」是個稱號。
- I heard John was the republican's great white hope. 我聽說約翰是共和黨人寄予巨大希望的人。