- Fuzheng Yi' ai Decoction 扶正抑癌方
- Hong Hong Lim Ai Xiao Fei smoke everywhereran yi For flowers. 芳林帷曉煙藹霏,處處花香欲染衣。
- Men ain't apt to get kicked out of good society for being rich. 人是不會因有錢而從上流社會被趕出去的。
- Objective: To determine the content of total astragalan in Fuzheng Kang Ai capsules. 目的測定扶正抗艾膠囊中總多糖的含量。
- First decoct Bi ? is boiled take juice, boil congee together with tuckahoe, Yi benevolence, rice again. 先煎萆?煮取汁,再與茯苓、苡仁、粳米同煮成粥。
- AI does not deploy outside of enemy gates. 電腦AI不會在敵人城門外展開。
- Abstract: Aims:To investigate the mechanism of fuzheng Huayu 319 decoction and the compatibility of medicine in the decoction on albumin(Alb) production in hepatocytes. 摘 要: 目的:觀察扶正化瘀319方促進肝細胞白蛋白生成的機理及其拆方配伍意義。
- Connectionism is the newer form of AI. 相對來講,連接主義在人工智慧領域是個新生觀點。
- But don't you think you ain't going to pay for it. 但是你不要以為你是不會因此遭報應的。
- Have you ever decoct Chinese medicinal herbs? 您煎過中藥嗎?
- Story: A mermaid, Yi, came to a city to live. 故事:講述一人魚,儀,來到城市生活的故事。
- This is so called Artificial Intelligence (AI). 這就是所謂的人工智慧。
- Decoct Chinese traditional medicine when build top? 煎中藥的時候蓋蓋子嗎?
- A friend that ai not in need is a friend indeed. 金錢上沒有困難的朋友才是真朋友。
- Methods The decoct number was discussed. 方法探討煎煮次數;
- The AI will no longer pillage Barbarian Cities. AI不會去摧毀野人城市了。
- Irritability rhinitis how decoct medicine? 過敏性鼻炎怎樣煎藥?
- Shanxi Yi Tai Heng Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. 山西頤泰恆精細化學有限公司
- What can we learn from Scout reports about the AI? 關於電腦智能我們能從球探報告那得到什麼?
- When is decoct Chinese traditional medicine best? 什麼時間煎中藥最好?