- Fujita Yoshimitsu 藤田良光(1935-),日本人,工會負責人。
- Ito M, Fujita I, Takeuchi Y, et al. 王俊平;郝躍.
- Britain declared war on Germany in 1911. 英國在1914年向德國宣戰。
- He died in a glider accident in 1911. 他1911年在一次滑翔機事故中喪生。
- Three years later, in 1911, the shock came. 三年以後的1911年,驚人的事出現了。
- In September 1911, the faults had been rectified. 一九一一年九月,經過調整消除了毛
- The Qing dynasty was terminated in 1911. 清朝結束於1911年。
- Chinese Pagoda. The postcard was posted in 1911. 中國的寶塔。該明信片1911年郵寄過。
- Ebel 1911 steel and gold chronograph. 成色 1 (新);金/鋼;
- The Qing Dynasty was overed in 1911. 清朝結束於1911年。
- The Balaklala smelter was finally shut down in July, 1911. 巴拉克拉拉冶鍊廠於1911年7月終於停產關閉。
- On Tuesday August 11,1911,it's discovered the paiting was missing. 1911年8月11日,星期二,人們發現這幅畫失竊了。
- Chen ;asociate editors, Yasumobu Fujita, Franz Mayinger, Ralph Nelson. 題名/責任者: Convective flow boiling : editor; John C.
- Chinese history after 1911 is both eventful and complex. 摘要我國歷史,源遠流長。
- In the Wuchang Revolt of 1911,rumor played a very important role. 在1911年的武昌起義中,謠言發揮了十分重要的作用。
- Then, in 1911, it was stolen from the Louvre by an Italian man. 之後,在1911年,她被一個義大利人從盧浮宮偷走。
- From 1909 to 1911, he worked with Picasso to develop Cubism. 從1909年到1911年,他和畢加索一起發展立體派。
- Elizabeth Bishop was born in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1911. 伊莉莎白-畢肖普1911年生於美國麻省。
- The Revolution of 1911 aimed at overthrowing the Qing Dynasty. 辛亥革命的目的在於推翻滿清王朝。
- American animator and producer born in New York City in 1911. 美國漫畫家和製片人在紐約市出生於1911年。