- 1929-1923年飢荒faminie from 1929 to 1933
- 1929-1933年經濟危機economic crisis in 1929-1933
- 尤爾根·哈貝馬斯(J(?) rgen Habermas,1929-)是當代著名的思想家。Jiirgen Habermas (1929-) is a famous thinker in our contemporary era.
- Anderson,Amemiva和Fujisawa等學者將GC模型推廣為含有隨機效應的增長曲線模型(The Growth Curve Model With Random Effects),並在觀察矩陣服從正態分佈的條件下作了關於均值的廣義線性假設似然比檢驗。Anderson , Amemiva and Fujisawa et al scholars extended the growth curve model into the one with random effects and considered the likelihood ratio criterion (LRC) for its mean structure ,where the random vectors follow normal distribution on the assumptions that random effects and random errors are mutually independent[1][2] .
- 米老鼠的聲望而來的米老鼠俱樂部1929舉行了每個星期六下午,在當地卡通、遊戲廳。Mickey Mouse's popularity spawned a Mickey Mouse Club in 1929 which met every Saturday for an afternoon of cartoons and games in local theaters.
- 伯林納,埃米爾1851-1929德裔美國發明家,大大改進了電話並於1887年發明了留聲機German-born American inventor who greatly improved the telephone and invented the gramophone(1887).
- 席格蒙迪,理查德 阿道夫1865-1929德國化學家,因研究膠體溶液而獲得了1925年的諾貝爾獎German chemist.He won a1925Nobel Prize for work on colloid solutions.
- 蓋爾曼·默里,默里生於1929美國物理學家,因其對次原子粒子的研究獲1969年諾貝爾獎American physicist.He won a1969Nobel Prize for his study of subatomic particles.
- 蕭友梅於1923年所作的管弦樂曲《新霓裳羽衣舞》及黃自在美國學習時之畢業作品〈懷舊》(1929),The orchestral piece New Raiment of Rainbow and Feather Dance, composed by Xiao Youmei in 1923 and Nostalgia, Huang Zi's graduation composition when he was studying in america in 1929
- 尤爾根·哈貝馬斯(Jurgen Habermas 1929-)當代著名的思想家,法蘭克福學派第二代領軍人物。Jurgen Habermas (1929-) is a famous thinker in our contemporary era and he is a leader of the second generation of Frankfurt School .
- 卡曼,(威廉)布利斯1861-1929加拿大詩人,以洋溢奔放的歌頌大自然的詩著稱。作品有詩集大普瑞湖的低潮(1893年)Canadian poet noted for his ebullient nature poems,including the collection Low Tide on Grand Pr?1893.
- 卡曼,(威廉)布利斯1861-1929加拿大詩人,以洋溢奔放的歌頌大自然的詩著稱。作品有詩集大普瑞湖的低潮(1893年)Canadian poet noted for his ebullient nature poems, including the collection Low Tide on Grand Pr?1893).
- 賓士,卡爾·弗雷德里希1844-1929德國汽車業先驅,製造了第一輛以內燃機為動力的汽車,於1886年註冊專利German automobile pioneer credited with manufacturing the first vehicle powered with an internal-combustion engine,patented in 1886.
- 奧斯本,約翰·詹姆斯生於1929英國劇作家,「憤怒的年輕人」組織的一員,因其第一部劇作憤怒的回顧(1956年)而享有盛名British playwright and member of the Angry Young Men who is best known for his first play, Look Back in Anger(1956).
- 杜克,本傑明·牛頓1855-1929美國煙草工業領袖,與其弟傑姆士·布坎南·杜克組建美國煙草公司並出資捐助三一學院,為紀念他們,三一學院更名為杜克大學American tobacco-industry leader who with his brother James Buchanan Duke(1856-1925) organized the American Tobacco Company(1890) and endowed Trinity College, which was renamed Duke University in their honor(1924).
- 區域資料庫:在此你可以找到在1977-98年實施普遍化優惠關稅制度下各州與各區不同的衡量方式;1929-1999年各州及區域的年度個人所得;1969-1998年都市及鄉村個人所得的區域性統計。Regional Data: In this section you can find various measures of GSP for states and regions (1977-98); annual state personal income for states and regions (1929-1999); local area personal income by county or metropolitan area (1969-1998).
- 形態學研究表明,靈長類大腦前額葉的面積和結構的複雜性在進化過程中逐漸增大,如恆河猴大腦前額葉的表面積佔大腦半球表面積的11.5%(Brodmann,1929),其內顆粒層發達,背側部明顯凸起,主溝區發達;The morphological studies revealed that the size of the prefrontal cortex increased, and the structure got complex in the course of the evolution in primates.