- 1927-1937年1927- 1937
- 論1927-1937年間國民政府改良傳統婚姻制度A Preliminary Study of the Reform of marriage system by the Government of KMT in 1927-1937
- 愛爾頓(1927)首創了「食物鏈」這個專業術語。Elton(1927)was the first to coin the phrase "food-chain."
- Anderson,Amemiva和Fujisawa等學者將GC模型推廣為含有隨機效應的增長曲線模型(The Growth Curve Model With Random Effects),並在觀察矩陣服從正態分佈的條件下作了關於均值的廣義線性假設似然比檢驗。Anderson , Amemiva and Fujisawa et al scholars extended the growth curve model into the one with random effects and considered the likelihood ratio criterion (LRC) for its mean structure ,where the random vectors follow normal distribution on the assumptions that random effects and random errors are mutually independent[1][2] .
- 南京政府時期(1927-37)為國際化時期,后因日本侵略而中斷。Nanking decade [1927-37] as period of internationalization, cut off by Japanese invasion.
- 埃因托芬,威廉1860-1927荷蘭生理學家,因其對心電圖學的貢獻獲1924年諾貝爾獎Dutch physiologist. He won a1924 Nobel Prize for his contributions to electrocardiography.
- 本文利用檔案資料,以蘇州商會為例,首次對1927至1937年間強勢國家與商會的關係作了系統的研究。This thesis, however, by making use of archives,took the chamber of commerce of Suzhou as example and made a systematic research of the relationship between powerful state and the chamber of commerce during1927-1937 in China.
- 范內,約翰·羅伯特生於1927英國藥理學家。因其在前列腺素上的調查研究而獲1982年的諾貝爾獎English politician and colonial administrator who was governor of Massachusetts(1636-1637) and a leading Parliamentarian during the English Civil War. He was tried and executed for high treason after the restoration of the monarchy.
- 福斯,羅伯特 路易斯1927-1987美國百老匯及電影製作的舞蹈設計師、導演,因酒店(1972年)而獲得奧斯卡金像獎American choreographer and director of Broadway and motion-picture productions, including Cabaret(1972), for which he won an Academy Award.
- 阿雷尼烏斯,斯凡特·奧古斯特1859-1927瑞典物理學家和化學家。因其電解質的電離理論獲1903年諾貝爾獎Swedish physicist and chemist.He won a1903Nobel Prize for his electrolytic theory of dissociation.
- 伍德哈爾,維多利亞 克拉芬1838-1927美國改革家。婦女選舉權和自由戀受的直言不諱的倡導者,她是第一個競選美國總統的婦女(1872年)American reformer. An outspoken advocate of woman suffrage and free love, she was the first woman to run for the U.S. presidency(1872).
- 同時,在格里菲斯等人的美國影片的影響下,前蘇聯導演將蒙太奇作為剪輯技巧用在了<戰艦波將金號)(1925)和(聖彼得堡的末日)(1927)等片中。"at the same time, influenced by Griffith' s american films, montage was developed as an editing technique in "Potemkin (Battleship)"(1925) and "The End of St. Peterburg"(1927)."
- 格拉斯,金特爾·威廉生於1927德國作家,其著名小說鐵皮鼓(1959年)和非人的歲月(1963年),涉及了德國在二戰期間及戰後的政治和社會面貌。German writer whose novels,notably The Tin Drum(1959) and Dog Years(1963),concern the political and social climate of Germany during and after World War II.
- 這一地區的生活啟發了勞倫斯寫成一些最佳作品的靈感:短篇小說《聖·摩爾》(1925)、宏偉的長篇小說《羽蛇》(1926)以及兩部散文集《箭豬之死有感》(1926)和《墨西哥的早晨》(1927)。The area inspired some of Lawrence's finest work: the short novel St. Mawr (1925), the magnificent novel The Plumed Serpent(1926), and two Books of essays, reflections on the Death of the Porcupine (1926) and Mornings in Mexico (1927).