- Shelled fresh shrimp socked in medicine? 泡葯蝦仁?
- Both teams said they got a good catch when striker Kenneth Kristensen switched soccer teams in Norway for about 170 pounds of fresh shrimp. 前鋒肯尼思-克里斯滕森以大約170磅鮮蝦的身價從挪威的一支球隊轉會到了另一支,兩支球隊都覺得這是筆上算的買賣。
- Handmade fresh shrimp balls and various kinds of meat balls, using white gourd soup, Hong Kong cheese as pot water. 城中小有名氣的手打鮮蝦滑,冬瓜盅鍋底,港式芝士鍋底,各式灌湯肉丸,口碑甚佳,不要錯過哦!
- For example, today's dinner : shrimp tastes, examples first, loin fried green pepper, shelled fresh shrimp soup. 譬如我們今天的晚餐是:口味蝦、蒸魚頭、裡脊炒青椒、蝦仁煲湯。
- A Ah, that's fresh shrimps in an wine sauce. A啊,是用酒和醬油浸泡的鮮蝦。
- It's made from ground fresh shrimps, madam. 女士,這種蝦丸是用磨碎的鮮蝦做成的。
- Poach fresh shrimps in water until boiled. 蝦肉用滾水滾熟撈起。
- Marine product Noodle Made by refined wheat starch and fresh shrimp, adopting scientific formulation.It is the necessary ideal food for living. 海鮮面是用精製小麥粉、優質海蝦採用特殊工藝經過科學配伍加工而成。是人們生活中必不可少的理想食品。
- Coconut Shrimp - You'll earn rave reviews with these crunchy shrimp appetizers! 香椰蝦-以此作為開胃菜,你將得到客人的激賞。
- The noodle in cattle bone soup, fresh shrimp wonton, unique port sauce and soup, elastic fine and coarse noodles, will satisfy you captious taste with endless aftertaste. 精燉熬煮的牛骨湯麵。現剝沙蝦現做的鮮蝦餛飩,加上獨家肉燥與湯頭,特製彈性十足的細、粗麵條,絕對讓口味挑剔的您一再回味。
- The method for the rapid determination of calcium and magnesium in shelled fresh shrimp by suspension sampling - flame atomic absorption spectrometry was developed. 建立了快速測定蝦仁中鈣、鎂含量的懸浮液進樣-火焰原子吸收光譜法。
- Fresh shrimps have a Bright and translucent appearance. 新鮮斑節蝦,外觀色澤透明。
- Methods Chitin was prepared from fresh shrimp shells and then carboxymethylchitin was prepared by the methods of alkalization and etherification as well as by the purification technique. 方法 以新鮮蝦殼為原料製備幾丁質,然後採用鹼化和醚化反應以及提純工藝製備羧甲基幾丁質。
- It is a salad with fresh shrimps, cucumber slices, egg, and diced potato. 那是一種用鮮蝦與黃瓜片、蛋和馬鈴薯丁拌成的沙拉。
- It is a salad with fresh shrimps, cucumber slices, eggs, and diced potato. 那是一種有鮮蝦,並伴以黃瓜片、蛋、馬鈴薯丁的沙拉。
- It is a salad with fresh shrimps,cucumber slices,eggs,and diced potato. 那是一種伴有鮮蝦、黃瓜片、蛋和馬鈴薯丁的沙拉。
- Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer. 可口的小餅乾就是簡單的開胃品。
- I'd like appetizer and fish dish. 我想要一份開胃菜與魚餐。
- RoseGarden Caesar Fresh Shrimp Salad 玫瑰園凱撒鮮蝦沙律
- Such a thing seldom happens in our restaurant because we always have the fresh shrimps from the market every day. 這樣的事發生在我們這裡太稀罕了,因為我們總是當天從市場的購進鮮蝦。