- Final Turn Lead Pursuit 最後轉彎並沿追蹤曲線接近
- Agriculture is the leading pursuit in our country. 農業是我國的主業。
- The resulting discontent may in turn lead more youths into criminal behavior. 而由此產生的不滿又會導致更多的青少年犯罪。
- When he'll finally turn up is anybody's guess! 大家都吃不准他最終將什麼時候來。
- Finally turn off the lights and lock the door. 最後要關上燈,鎖上門。
- Coming around the final turn, my speed suddenly deserted me and I lost the race. 進入最後一圈時,我突然失速,輸掉了比賽。
- Through improper means, India is also China's iron ore spot prices in turn lead to long ADPL prices. 也正是印度礦炒高了中國鐵礦現貨的價格,進而刺激了長協價格的上漲。
- Any circumstance hitting a limit will begin to change. Change will in turn lead to an unimpeded state, and then lead to continuity. 易窮則變,變則通,通則久。
- Yang led the 1,000m final,coming out of the final turn but she was disqualified for trying to block South Korea's Chun Lee-Kyung in a scramble toward the finish. 楊揚在1000米決賽中領先,但在轉最後一個道彎時裁判說楊揚在臨近終點線的混戰中試圖阻攔韓國的全利卿,因而被取消比賽資格。
- They have sought it since the first alchemist put an elixir of life on the same shopping list as a way to turn lead into gold. 自從第一個煉丹師把長生不老葯和點石成金的方法等同看待之日起,人們就開始為了長生不老孜孜探索。
- The aggradation decreased the transportation ability of main stream, that in turn lead to the development of alluvial fans. 至於各項因素的相對重要性,有待進一步研究。
- Operations Guide: keyboard control, a choice of two roles, when installed the final turn when struck across the small, will be on the space bar started beating the pudding. 操作指南:鍵盤控制,有兩個角色可選擇,當裝年糕的小桶子亮起時,就可以按空格鍵開始打年糕了。
- These in turn lead to excessive stress forces on long bones which, in a puppy, are less dense and have a greater susceptibility to being remodelled. 這些都按規律形成了對各類長骨頭過分的壓力,對幼犬來說,(它們的骨骼)不再粗壯密實也更加容易導致(身體結構)變形。
- Ervin had no intention of going back to the life from which he had finally turned after so much indecision and struggle. 歐文無意回到他經過再三猶疑和反覆鬥爭才最終拋棄了的那種生活中去。
- Yang led the 1,000m final, coming out of the final turn but she was disqualified for trying to block South Korea's Chun Lee-Kyung in a scramble toward the finish. 楊揚在1000米決賽中領先,但在轉最後一個道彎時裁判說楊揚在臨近終點線的混戰中試圖阻攔韓國的全利卿,因而被取消比賽資格。
- In addition to lying, the questions themselves have direct impact on subjects' emotional responses, which in turn lead to skin conductance response. 除了說謊因素,測謊中測題本身所指向的事件就可以直接引起被試的情緒反應,從而產生皮膚電反應差異;
- They have sought it since the first alchemist put an elixir of life on the same shopping list as a way to turn lead into cheapest wow gold gold. 自從第一個煉丹師把長生不老葯和點石成金的方法等同看待之日起,人們就開始為了長生不老孜孜探索。
- Jason Lezak was the final American in the pool, and he was about a full body length behind former 100-meter freestyle world record holder Alain Bernard at the final turn. 他在最後一個轉身時落後百米自由泳前世界紀錄保持者伯納德大約一個身長。
- Large arteries branch into small tributaries called arterioles.They in turn lead to capillaries, where the blood drops off its vital supplies. 主動脈分支成動脈,動脈再分支為毛細管,在這裡,血液把養分送給細胞。
- Valentino Rossi wins a stunning battle with Casey Stoner, that ended prematurely when Stoner dropped his Ducati at the final turn with eight of the 32 laps to go. 比賽還有8圈的時候斯通納在最後一個彎角轉倒,羅西最終在和斯通納的膠著戰鬥中獲得勝利。