- Feeding and the cutter can be shift step by step. 送線、切刀均可寸動操作。
- Time for a feeding and time for a diapering. 是到了餵奶,換尿布的時候了。
- And section 09 of the Camry is to act as such. 而09款的凱美瑞正是充當了這樣的角色。
- Zeal is like fire; it needs both feeding and watching. 熱情似火,既要添柴,又要小心。
- The bird felt mom was feeding and pluming for it when sleeping. 小鳥兒昏迷中感覺有人好像媽媽在給他餵食物,梳理羽毛。。。
- Zeal is like fire;it needs both feeding and watching. 熱情如火,既要感覺,也要關注.
- A plane, elevation, and section of the dam are shown in Fig. 8. 2. 壩的平面;立面和剖面示於圖8.;2之中。
- A worker ant or bee that feeds and cares for the colony's young. 工蟻,工蜂餵養和照料共生蟻群或共生蜂群幼蟲的工蟻或工蜂
- The above sequence can be used for and section of the block pattern. 以上程序可以用於部分樣板。
- Irritated, mom beat me with the spoon for pig feeding and spread the pig feed all over me. I did not cry, just filled with hatred. 媽媽氣得用餵豬的勺子打我,弄了我一身的豬食,我沒有哭,心裡只有恨。
- Work smoothly with other Depts and Sections. 與其他部門緊密合作。
- It realized the merit of shaping several bricks once. 3.It is auto feed ,and realized roboticized feeding and pressing. 4. 2.;實現了數塊製品一次成型,降低電力和人工費用 3
- At night he fed and cared for the cattle. 夜裡他飼養照料牲口。
- Link-driven feed mechanism minimizes stitch length difference occurring when sewing between at high speed and at Iow speed or between forward feeding and backward feeding. 為獲得理想的縫製效果,採用連桿傳動下送布料機構,最大限度減少了高低速、倒順縫紉時的針距誤差。
- The animals all looked well fed and cared for. 這些動物看上去都得到了精心的飼養和照料。
- The horses are all well fed and groomed. 這些馬都喂得飽飽的,刷洗得乾乾淨淨。
- There are three kinds of drawings: elevations, plans and sections. 設計圖有3種:立面圖、平面圖和剖面圖。
- The population seemd to be well fed and clothed. 全體居民好像是豐衣足食。
- We saw to it that the child was fed and bathed. 我們負責給孩子喂飯、洗澡。
- Section diagram of piercing effect 穿刺效果剖面簡圖