- Fang Dongmei' s aesthetics 方東美美學
- Wang Chuanshan"s aesthetics is a theory of life transcendency. 船山的美學是一種生命超越的美學。
- The other important characteristic of Later Wittgenstein』s aesthetics is anti-theorization. 他反對美學研究中理論化的方法,而提倡描述的方法。
- Chapter III is The Romantic Sublime, which discusses respectively Wordsworth s aesthetics and Weiskel s psychoanalysis of the sublime. 第三章為浪漫式的崇高,依次探討渥滋華斯的美學與衛斯科爾的崇高的心理分析。
- Alexander Gottliel Baumgarten's aesthetics theory have sure enlightenment to build contemporary practice aesthetics theory. 鮑姆嘉通的美學思想對當代實踐美學的建構也有一定的啟示。
- Fang Dongmei and Zong Baihua's Life Aesthetic "Tums" 方東美與宗白華生命美學的"轉向"
- To sum up, this essay argues that Wittgenstein』s aesthetics thinking had the power to animadvert on and perfect traditional aesthetics. 總起來看,本文認為,從理論上看,維特根斯坦的美學思想中包含了對傳統美學批判和完善的力量。
- Wittgenstein』s aesthetics is a Ethical one, including axiological meaning and absolute happiness of transcendental meaning. 維特根斯坦認為,美學是倫理學的美學,它包含了價值論的意義,蘊含著絕對幸福的人生超越性意義。
- As a canon hermeneutics, Wang Chuanshan"s aesthetics develops its own meaning within the interpretation of Confucian canons and other classics. 船山美學在經典詮釋學的視域中展開,美學的意義是在「六經責我開生面」的詮釋過程中生長出來的。
- Objective: To improve retainer s aesthetics and alleviate buccal retainer s peculiar sense for patients with removable partial denture. 目的:改善鑄造可摘局部義齒固位體的美觀性,減輕頰側固位體的異物感。
- Therefore,the wealthy resource aesthetics was buried,and the student"s aesthetics got down to supperficality and vulgarity gradually. 因此,小說中豐富的美學資源被埋沒,學生審美取向日趨於表面化,感官化,低俗化。
- The pre-Kant"s aesthetics was based on scientism which divided the world into two parts: subject and object.Entitism and psychologism were its methodological principles. 前康德美學是建立在主客二分的科學主義基礎上,本質主義和心理主義是其方法論原則。
- In conclusion, the author comments on Langer"s aesthetics thoughts and indicates that Langer"s aesthetics thought has great theory value and practical significance. 篇尾對朗格思想作了評述,點明其藝術形式觀的重要價值和意義。
- The essence of Zhuang Zi" s aesthetics is aesthetics of life, which establishes on the Way of Zhuang Zi" s philosophy basisAnd points to loving care for individual life. 莊子美學的本質是人生美學,是建立在莊子哲學基礎「道」之上的一種指向人生對個體生命進行終極關懷的美學。
- Oh, Xiao Fang, I didn't hear you come in. 哦,小方,你進來我都沒聽見。
- Fang Dongmei 方東美
- Schiller s aesthetic politics and aesthetic anthropology can both be called harmonious aesthetics. 席勒的審美政治學和審美人類學都可以稱為「和諧美學」。
- It who subverts that traditional fairy tale is functional, transmits the author"s aesthetic conception of love. 顛覆傳統童話中美的功能性,傳達其因至愛而至美的美學觀。
- Professor Fang worked out a method to destroy bacteria on the seeds. 方教授想出了一個辦法來消滅種子上的細菌。
- I affirms that Lin Yutang"s aesthetic principle of mean is multiplicate factors and supplement. 第五章從審美的角度切人,確認了林語堂中庸式的審美原則即多元和互補。