- It was said that when Fan Li and Xi Shi took refuge in areas of Wuxi and Yixing, they left numerous traces and legends. 相傳范蠡與西施在無錫、宜興一帶隱居避難,留下了許多蹤跡和傳說。
- Fan Li was the founder of Chinese business people and the originator of theories for macroeconomic regulation by feudal governments in China. 摘要范蠡不僅是華商鼻祖,也是我國封建政府宏觀調控經濟理論的創始人。
- Abstract: The open space surrounding Li Lake blends the new elements with the old ones and re-puts the city into the nature. 摘要:蠡湖環湖開放空間系統融合新舊元素,將城市重新融入自然之中。
- Furthermore, the famous beautiful spy Xi Shi and her repressed affection for General Fan Li also get detailed depiction in the film. 以歷史美人西施穿針引線,並對西施與將軍范蠡之間欲言又止的感情有細膩感人的描述。
- Fan Li, an important figure in the Spring and Autumn Period, was a famous politician, strategist and also multi-millionaire of business in ancient China. 范蠡,是春秋戰國時期的重要人物,是中國古代史上一位著名的政治家、軍事家,也是經商有術的巨富。
- Twenty years after Gou Jian returned to the Kingdom of Yue, he had his revenge on the King of Wu in the year 473 B.C. by inflicting on the latter a crushing defeat, with the help of such people as Wen Zhong, Fan Li and Xi Shi. 勾踐回國20年,即公元前473年,在文種、范蠡、西施等人的共同努力下,終於打敗夫差,報了辱國之仇。
- "The Classics on Fish Breeding ", written by Fan Li of the Warring States Period (475 B.C.-221B.C.), was the world's first book on fish breeding. Fan started to breed silver carp in 473B.C., and the book was based on his experience. 中國戰國時代范蠡所著《養魚經》是世界上最早的養魚文獻。 范在公元前473年即開始養殖鯉魚, 並寫下這本書。
- Being curious all his life, Fan Li had not forgotten reading even when taking refuge here.Originally connected to the Skylight with full sunlight, it was like a study, an ideal place for reading. 范蠡一生好學,即使在此地避難,也不忘讀書,此處原與天窗相連,陽光充足,如書房一般,是理想的讀書所在。
- The exhibitions here not only demonstrate the legendary career of Fan Li, but also provide irreproducible non-material cultural relics.The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. 今天在這裡展出的不僅僅是范蠡的傳奇生涯,而且是一筆不可再生的非物質文化遺產。
- Fan Li relative spring and summer, the flashy, frigid winter, autumn is like a hole-ming inconstancy of human relationships, but also to the vertical hanging has not yet middle-aged and old Takeo. 相對而言春的繁麗,夏的浮華,冬的死寂,秋就像是一位洞明世態炎涼,又還未至垂垂已老的中年偉男。
- Please look this way and enjoy the splendid white jades, pearl curtains, flower windows in moonlight, silver candle and palace lanterns here.According to tales, Fan Li and Xi Shi often dated here. 請看這裡白玉生輝,珠簾倒掛,花窗映月,銀燭宮燈,傳說中的范蠡、西施經常相會於此,在這裡我們就稱她為美女宮吧!
- The Business Management Manner of Fan LI 論范蠡的商業經營之道
- Na Ren Fan Li Guo Shun-Xing Xu Jin-Tang 范黎郭順星
- The infatuated fan stalked the celebrity. 那位著了迷的崇拜者追蹤這位名人。
- She glanced shyly at him from behind her fan. 她羞怯地從她的扇子後面看了他一眼。
- I'm a secret fan of soap operas on TV. 我從不聲張我是電視連續劇迷。
- Her family lives three li away from her school. 她家住在離學校有三里路的地方。
- The lake has a circumference of 500 li. 那個湖方圓五百里。
- He is a basket- ball fan, so am I. 他是個藍球迷,我也是。
- The lake has a circumference of 800 li. 那個湖方圓800里。