- Objective To investigate the clinical application value of amniocentesis(AC) and fetal blood sampling(FBS) to the prenatal diagnosis of Mediterranean anemia(MA). 目的探討超聲引導羊膜腔穿刺術(AC)和臍帶穿刺術(FBS)在產前診斷胎兒地中海貧血(MA)中的應用價值。
- Invasive prenatal diagnostic techniques include amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling(CVS),fetal blood sampling and embryoscopy.In this article,we introduced the procedures of these met... 該文就介入性宮內診斷技術中的羊膜腔穿刺術、絨毛活檢術、胎兒臍血穿刺術及胎兒鏡檢查等產前診斷技術的操作和適應症等進行比較和討論。
- FBS (fetal blood sampling) 臍帶穿刺術
- Prenatal diagnosis by color Doppler ultrasound - guided cardiocentesis fetal blood sampling 彩超引導胎兒心臟穿刺術取血用於產前診斷的意義評價
- Keywords Amniocentesis;Fetal blood sampling;Prenatal diagnosis;Mediterranean anemia.; 羊膜腔穿刺術;臍帶穿刺術;產前診斷;地中海貧血;
- fetal blood sampling 胎兒血樣
- Methods Mononuclear cells were isolated from human peripheral blood cells by density gradient centrifugation and cultured in M199 medium with fetal blood serum(FBS),vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF). 方法用密度梯度離心法從人外周血中分離單個核細胞。 在加有胎牛血清(fetal blood serum,FBS)、血管內皮生長因子(vascular end othelial growthfactor,VEGF)和鹼性成纖維生長因子(basic fibroblast growthfactor,bFGF)的M199培養液中培養。
- The doctor analyzed the blood sample for anaemia. 醫生分析了血樣以確診是否是貧血症。
- The doctors analyzed the blood sample for anemia. 醫生們分析了貧血的血樣。
- Purpose To observe the clinic curative effect of intrauterine fetal blood transfusion to neonatal RH hemolytic disease. 目的:觀察宮內胎兒輸血治療新生兒溶血病的臨床效果。
- Objectives To evaluate the fetal blood flow velocity waveforms (FVWs) in relation to the perinatal outcomes. 目的探討胎兒血流速度波型與圍產兒結局的關係及高危妊娠胎兒缺氧時血液動力學變化的特點。
- The doctor analysed the blood sample for anemia. 醫生化驗血樣看是否貧血。
- Conclusion Intrauterine fetal blood transfusion can prevent fetal anemia and dead fetus. 結論:與常規治療方法相比,使用宮內胎兒輸血可合理調節胎兒貧血、預防死胎。
- The doctors analysed the blood sample for anemia. 醫生們分析了貧血的血樣。
- Blood samples were taken from patients for typing. 已採集患者的血樣供測定血型用。
- A device for counting the number of red blood cells in a blood sample. 紅細胞計數器血液中用來計算紅細胞個數的一種裝置
- The doctor analysed the blood sample for anaemia. 醫生化驗血樣看是否貧血。
- A blood sample drawn from a vein in the arm. 血液樣本是從手臂上的一條靜脈中抽出。
- Methods EGF concentrations in amniotic fluid, maternal and fetal blood from 86 pregnant women in the third-trimester were determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA). 方法用放射免疫分析法,測定86例妊娠晚期婦女血清、羊水和臍靜脈血清EGF濃度;
- Blood samples were collected from cubital veins. 血液樣本抽自肘靜脈。