- The seat on my right side is empty. 我右首的座位無人坐。
- The petrol tank in our car is empty. 我們車子的油箱空了。
- The cistern is empty but will soon fill again . 水缸空了,但很快又會滿的。
- The ski resort is empty because there is no snow. 由於無雪,滑雪場空無一人。
- The visible is the most well-defined spectral region. 可見光是含意最明確的光譜波段。
- The cistern is empty but will soon fill again. 貯水器里現在沒水,但一會兒就會儲滿水了。
- The office is empty except for the dustman. 辦公室里除了清潔工,什麼人也沒有。
- The room is empty except for a break wood chair. 屋子裡除了一張破木椅什麼都沒有。
- The room is empty except for a broken wood chair. 屋子裡除了一張破木椅什麼都沒有。
- My account is empty,I have no money in it. 我帳戶上的錢已提空,沒有存款了。
- Though he is rich, he is empty in spirit. 儘管他很富有,但精神空虛。
- A seat beside her is empty,and the man occupies it. 她旁邊的座位空著。於是,他坐了下來。
- There is no money in my purse--it is empty. 我錢包里沒有錢,是空的。
- The house is empty, no one is living there. 這座房子是空的,沒有人住。
- Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor. 濃霧籠罩了北部的公路,能見度很低。
- Of course, this is also true if string is empty. 當然,如果string為空也是這樣。
- There's a bottle on the table.The bottle is empty. 在桌子上有一個瓶子,瓶子是空的。
- Do you feel it only when your stomach is empty? 是在肚子空的時候才覺得疼痛嗎?
- The current sink stack is empty. 當前接收器堆棧為空。
- Visibility is good [bad, zero, one kilometer]. 能見度良好 [不好,零,一公里]