- The studies on the category status of Euplotes charon 卡龍游仆蟲分類地位的研究
- The Studies on the Morphology and Morphogenesis of Euplotes charon 卡龍游仆蟲Euplotes charon的形態和形態發生的研究
- MORPHOGENETICAL STUDIES ON THE MARINECILIATE Euplotes charon(Protozoa, Ciliophora) 卡龍游仆蟲無性生殖期間的形態發生學研究(原生動物,纖毛蟲)
- And whereas Pluto has an atmosphere, Charon apparently does not. 冥王星有大氣層,冥衛一顯然就沒有。
- Pluto has a moon, Charon, half the size of the planet. 冥王星唯一的衛星卡戎,大小是冥王星的一半。
- Pluto has a moon, called Charon, which is about the size of Quaoar itself. 冥王星有一顆衛星,叫卡戎,和誇歐爾差不多大。
- In contrast, Charon's surface is far less reflective, with indistinct markings. 相對地,冥衛一表面的反射性就低很多,斑紋也不顯著。
- Charon, I need you to go into that chamber and turn on the purifier. 卡戎,我需要你進入那個房間打開凈水裝置。
- A SEM Study on the Stereoscopic Structures of Cortical Cytoskeleton in Euplotes sp. 游仆蟲皮層細胞骨架立體結構的研究。
- On the river Acheron the surly old man, Charon by name, forever ferried new arrivals across for one coin. 在阿刻戎河上,一位凶神惡煞的老漢卡戎永遠在此擺渡新亡靈去冥府,船費為一個硬幣。
- Preliminary Studies on the Marine Ciliate, Euplotes vannus Grazing Bacteria and Microalgae, Chlorella sp. 扇形游仆蟲對細菌及小球藻攝食的初步探討。
- Kloetzel J A,1981.Nuclear roles in the post-conjugant development of the ciliated protozoan Euplotes aediculatus[J].Dev. Boil.,83:20-32. [史新柏;邱子健;徐振康等;1983.;棘尾蟲接合生殖期間核對形態發生的影響
- Greek mythology) a river in Hades across which the souls of the dead were carried by Charon. 希臘神話中地獄里的一條河流,傳說死人會被帶去那裡。
- Charon transported the souls of the dead to the kingdom of the god of the dead, Pluto. 卡隆是擺渡亡靈到冥王普路托地界的神。
- Researchers also want to know why Pluto and Charon are so different in appearance. 研究人員也想要知道為什麽冥王星與冥衛一的外表會如此不同。
- This dialogue provides a fictitious account of the design of an open-network authentication system called "Charon. 這篇對話以虛構的故事講解了一個叫「叉龍」的開放網路認證系統的設計思路。
- Additionally, on the basis of above observations and the information on hand, the author summarized the structural components of the cortical cytoskeleton in Euplotes sp. 此外,作者在此基礎上,並根據現有的資料,總結了游仆蟲整個皮層細胞骨架的結構組成。
- The ocean must expand, but it is confined beneath Charon's stiff, icy shell, so the pressure rises. 海洋必定膨脹,卻被喀戎表面的冰殼限制,於是壓力上升。
- That Pluto is the only true double planet in the solar system (Charon is exactly half Pluto's diameter). 因而就像一對緊密雙星一般,冥王星脆弱的大氣一部分很可能溢出到卡戎附近的軌道上。
- Charon, its large" moon," is only about half the size of Pluto, while all the true planets are far larger than their moons. 它的「月亮」卡戎,有冥王星的一半大,而所有真正的行星都遠大於它們的「月亮」們。