a unit of information equal to 1024 pebibytes or 2^60 bytes
用作縮略詞 (abbr.)
The job cuts may also be necessary to get its own EIB loan, which the company applied for last month. 裁員或許也是薩博獲得歐洲投資銀行貸款的必要措施,它是上個月向該行提出貸款申請的。
However, Mr Maystadt said the EIB was unlikely to help fund a controversial new Baltic Sea pipeline to take Russian gas via Germany to western Europe. 然而,梅斯塔特指出,歐洲投資銀行不太可能幫一個有爭議的新項目融資,即修建一條途經德國的波羅的海管道,把俄羅斯天然氣輸往西歐。