- Dutch State mines 荷蘭國家礦業公司
- They were asked whether they agreed with the sale of Fortis Netherlands to the Dutch state and whether they supported the nationalisation of Belgian activities by the Belgian authorities. 他們問及他們是否同意出售富通荷蘭的荷蘭國家以及他們是否支持國有化比利時活動比利時當局。
- I took Mary to lunch she insisted on going Dutch. 我帶瑪麗出去吃午飯,但她堅持要平攤費用。
- Charles and Kate always go Dutch at the restaurant. 查爾斯和凱特在飯店時總是各自付帳。
- I don't like him. He's a Dutch uncle. 我不喜歡他,他是個愛挑剔的人。
- These neighboring states had lived in concord for centuries. 這些相互毗鄰的國家幾個世紀以來一直和睦相處。
- Let's compromise. How about make it a dutch treat? 我們折中一下吧,各付各的怎麼樣?
- German and Dutch are cognate languages. 德語和荷蘭語為同源語言。
- The Dutch settled in South Africa. 荷蘭人在南非殖民。
- She was surprised when he suggested they go Dutch. 當他建議各付各的時,她很震驚。
- The general has taken the helm of the states. 這位將軍掌握了國家領導權。
- Do Dutch people really go Dutch at a restaurant? 荷蘭人在飯館吃飯時真的各自付帳嗎?
- It beats the Dutch how Jordan always makes a basket. 喬丹投籃百發百中,真令人叫絕。
- States seek to become stronger through alliance. 各國力求通過結盟而更加強大。
- He was appointed ambassador to the United States. 他被任命為駐美國大使。
- Can you enumerate the capitals of the50 states? 你能把五十州的首府列舉出來嗎?
- Don't be a Dutch uncle. Try to become a kind person. 不要做一個吹毛求疵的人,試做一個善良的人。
- John was in Dutch with his mother because he tore his new coat. 約翰把新上衣掛破了,他母親很生氣。
- George got in Dutch with his father when he broke a window. 喬治打壞了窗戶,受到了父親的責備。
- California has many immigrants from other states. 加利福尼亞有許多來自其他州的移民。