- Ph.D. Of Department of Physics Drexel University Philadelphia, PA. 年,美國賓州費城的爵碩大學物理系。
- Joseph Mason, a finance professor at Drexel University, sees bigger problems. 德雷塞爾大學的金融學教授JosephMason則看到了更嚴重的問題。
- The show is curated by Shenzhen Art Museum, organized by Ministry of Culture of the PRC and Drexel University School of the Arts. 這次展覽由深圳美術館策展,中國文化部和D大學組織承辦。
- CONGRATULATIONS! Drexel University is pleased to offer you admission. An official acceptance letter has been sent to you by mail. 這個錄取費應該什麼時候交呢,我聽說這個費用有點佔座的意思,如果不交還會把資格給別人,不知道是不是這樣呢?等高手解答。
- Drexel University: College of Law - Set to open in Fall 2006. View admission requirements, co-op work requirements, and contact information. 易易工作室-各種在線工具,站長網誌,以及多個應用項目。
- Juang, J. Y., 1998, Robust Control Theory Applied to Ship Control, Research Report, Department of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Drexel University, Phila., Penn. 庄政義,1998,虛迴路解合理論與應用之研究,國科會計劃報告。
- They didn't,」 said Jan Biros, associate vice president for instructional technology support and campus outreach at Drexel University and a former member of the SOF Curriculum Planning Committee. 從靈活可選的學校時間到每位學生一台筆記本,從客戶化的學校埠到校內無線接入,從校委會到設計21世紀的課表到新教師僱用模式,未來學校曾被視為必勝無疑。
- The girl, who has a master's degree in materials engineering from Drexel University, was hired by Konkuk University in South Korea in February, three days shy of her 19th birthday. 儘管年輕,但薩布爾的學識一點兒都不淺,她已獲得德雷塞爾大學材料工程博士學位。
- Drexel University, College of Business and Administration 德蕾克塞爾大學商業及管理學院
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要進入名牌大學學習的夢想實現了。
- He got in with a bad crowd at university. 他在大學里和一幫壞人廝混。
- I was denied the chance of going to university. 我得不到上大學的機會。
- He will get a place at the university. 他將在大學里獲得一個職位。
- I rue never having been to university. 我後悔從未上過大學。
- She usually gets her best pupils into university. 她教的最好的學生通常都能考上大學。
- Oxford is a collegiate university. 牛津是由學院組成的大學。
- You need brains to become a university professor. 當大學教授要有才智。
- I am studying art at Stockholm University. 我在斯德哥爾摩大學攻讀藝術。
- I go to the university twice daily. 我每天去那所大學兩次。
- He gained admission into this university. 他獲准進入這所大學。