Balance-of-payments deficits are increasingly financed by special drawing rights at the International Monetary Fund. 國際貨幣基金組織的特別提款權被越來越多地用來融通國際收支中的逆差。
It may be necessary to create additional money by the IMF issuing Special Drawing Rights or SDRs. 或許有必要通過國際貨幣基金組織發行特別提款權等形式提供更多的資金。
The fees for the drawing shall be borne by the creditor. 因提存所支出的費用,應當由債權人承擔。
Proceeds from transfer of account receivables by the pledger will be paid to the pledgee in advance for discharge of debts or put in drawing. 出質人轉讓應收賬款所得的價款,應當向質權人提前清償債務或者提存。