- The book dealer would not break the set. 這個圖書經銷商不會打破規定。
- Broke the set of books by giving some away. 把一套書拆散,取其中數本送人
- He had to break the set to sell us the three blue ones we wanted. 他只好拆散一套,把我們想要的那三個藍色的賣給我們。
- Until then we couldn』t break the wall of Albacete as they defended well and were very motivated. 此前我們不能打破阿爾巴塞特的銅牆鐵壁因為他們防守的非常積極。
- He set out to break the record for the English Channel swim. 他立志要打破橫渡英吉利海峽的記錄。
- If you can think of to break the set, even passive, and there will be unexpected discoveries. 如果能打破思維的定勢,即便是被動的,也會有出人意料的發現。
- Don' t break in when the adventurer is telling his own story. 冒險家講他自己的經歷時,別打斷他。
- The dog bit me but didn't break the skin. 那狗咬了我一口,但是沒有把皮咬破。
- The host tell a joke to his guest to break the ice. 主人為了打破僵局,給客人講了個笑話。
- He examined every item in the set carefully. 他仔細檢查了這一套中的各項。
- Fortunately, the flood did not break the dike. 還好,這場大水沒有把堤壩沖壞。
- Can I break the journey at Wuhan? 中途我可以在武漢下車嗎?
- The boy got a good beating for breaking the window. 那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一頓。
- Don' t bounce on the bed you' ll break the springs ! 別在床上亂蹦--你要把彈簧弄斷了!
- Don't break the set. 不要把整套的東西拆散。
- You cannot break the law with impunity. 違法者必受懲罰。
- It was her second break in the set. 這是本盤比賽中她第二次接發球得分。
- A Christian should not break the Sabbath. 基督徒應守安息日。
- I can break the code of this box. 我能破譯這個箱子的密碼。
- The river burned crimson in the setting sun. 河流被落日映照成深紅色。