- The Queen requited his services with a knighthood. 女王為表彰他的貢獻封他為爵士。
- You may need the services of a lawyer. 你也許需要律師的幫助。
- Train services have been cut to the bone. 列車車次已大幅度減少。
- He received generous remuneration for his services. 他因服務而得到優厚的報酬。
- They need the services of a good lawyer. 他們需要找個能幹的律師協助處理。
- Her services to the state have been immense. 她對國家的貢獻極大。
- Bus services in this area have been chopped. 這一地區的公共汽車班次已大為削減。
- She thought of her humid, stuffy darkroom. 她想起了自己那間悶熱潮濕的暗室。
- Anthems are used in religious services. 聖歌常常在宗教禮拜時演唱。
- The lights are raised in the darkroom. 暗室里的燈光轉亮。
- Some train services have been lopped off this line. 這條路線已經有幾輛火車停開了。
- I have a complete darkroom in my house. 我屋子裡有整套暗房設備。
- She volunteered (her services) for relief work. 她自願參加救濟工作。
- Welcome to "Darkroom Technic &Skills" gallery! 歡迎光臨"暗房手法技巧"作品展區!
- I told him tout court that his services were not required. 我簡單地告訴他不需要他的幫助。
- Activities involved in selling goods or services. 銷售活動銷售貨物或服務的活動
- The goods or services itemized in an invoice. 清單項目清單上逐條列出的貨物或服務。
- The profession, duties, and services of a minister. 牧師職務牧師的職業、職務和服務
- A darkroom, as the name suggests, is a dark room used for developing photographs. 暗房,顧名思義,是作為沖洗照片的黑暗房間。
- The separate pricing of goods and services. 分別處理商品和服務的價格