a Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 colonies
The architect's piece de resistance was the City Opera House. 這位建築師的最得意之作是市歌劇院。
Evening dress is de rigueur at the Casino. 在賭博娛樂場要穿晚禮服。
You can have the de luxe model if you like, but it'll cost you. 你願意的話,可以買高級的,不過得花很多錢。
Their intimate conversation made me feel de trop. 他們親切交談,使我感到自己是個多餘的人。
Czechoslovakian religious reformer who was excommunicated(1409) for attacking the corruption of the clergy. His De Ecclesia questioned the authority and infallibility of the Catholic Church. 胡斯,約翰1372?-1415捷克斯洛伐克宗教改革者,1409年由於攻擊牧師制度的墮落而被開除教籍。他在著作教會中對天主教會的權威和正確性提出了質疑