- 五five
- 五號the fifth
- 這種葯3年以內有效。This medicine is effective if used within three years.
- 你必須在一年以內將理賠申請表送達You have one year to send your claim form
- 五年計劃Five-Year Plan
- 五金hardware
- 南北各地在多少年以內,我們能夠看到綠化就好。It will be One if in a number of years we can see various places in the south and north clothed with greenery.
- 五年以後five years hence
- 日本已經開始在有限範圍內提供高清晰度電視,有些歐洲國家也將在兩年以內開始。Japan has begun offering HDTV on a limited basis, and some European countries will start within two years.
- 驅邪儀式古羅馬每五年普查人口后對全體國民進行的凈化儀式A ceremonial purification of the entire ancient Roman population after the census every five years.
- 簡言之,至少在幾年以內他們將遵循比較和平的途徑,讓歷史的力量實現自己的意志。They would, in short, adhere to a more peaceful course and let the forces of history work their will, at least for a few years.
- 在過去的五年裡,她省吃儉用,終於積足了錢可支付她兒子的學費。By pinch and scraping for the last five year, she have enough money to pay for her son's tuition.
- 第六款 本條除非在其提交各州之日起七年以內,由四分之三的州議會批准為憲法修正案,否則不發生效力。Section 6.This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission.
- 這護照五年有效。The passport is good for five years.
- 但三年以內這個比例會迅速上升,這意味著到2001年,飛繞地球的大多數信號都將是「機器與機器的對話」。But in three years that ratio is expected to flip, meaning that by 2001 most signals zipping around the Earth "will be machines talking to machines".
- 五年時間lustrum
- 賣方在買方接受其所要求的合同設備之後3年以內,應有責任以優惠的價格向其提供設備日常運行所需要的全部零部件。The Seller is obliged to provide the Buyer at favorable prices with all spare parts necessary for the normal operation of the Equipment within 3 (three) years after the Acceptance of the Contract Equipment according to the request of the Buyer.
- 這犯人被判處五年勞役。The criminal was sentenced to five years' servitude.
- 第三款 本條限非在國會將其提交各州之日起七年以內,由各州修憲會議依照本憲法規定批准為憲法修正案,否則不發生效力。Section 3.This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by conventions in the several States,as provided in the Constitution,within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by the Congress.
- 此外,在這五年中,我們還得冒貨幣兌換率浮動的危險。Besides we have to bear the risk of fluctuation in exchange rate in these five years.