- This local newspaper doesn' t pay much attention to external affairs. 這家地方報紙不太注重國外新聞。
- If you don' t pay your rent you' ll be evicted. 你如果不付房租,就會被趕出去。
- You don"t pay Life Points to attack with "Toon Gemini Elf". 你不必支付生命值去使用卡通雙子妖精攻擊。
- I haven' t paid my subscription this this month. 我還沒付這個月的報刊費。
- 9.If he doesn』t pay, will the court distrain upon him? 如果他不付款,法院會扣押他的財物嗎?
- 6.If he doesn』t pay, will the court distrain upon him? 如果他不付款,法院會扣押他的財物嗎?
- If you don' t pay the bill for months running, the telephone service may disconnect your telephone. 如果你連續幾個月不付電話費,電話公司就會切斷你的電話線路。
- Spending so fast he couldn』t pay taxes, Sommers asked a businessman friend to manage his money. 森莫思因為花錢如流水以致付不出稅金,只好請求一位朋友幫他管理財務。
- It all goes to show that crime doesn't pay. 這一切都證明犯罪沒有好結果。
- AT&T pays $12.6 billion for McCaw Cellular Communications Inc. 出資126億美元收購McCaw蜂窩通信公司。
- Anyway, they didn』t pay the electrical bill last month, the next day TNB staff came for bill collection! 由於他們家上個月沒有繳付電費,隔天TNB的員工就上門來追數了!
- Boilerplate and selfish redirection of attention are bogus strategies that don』t pay off. 陳詞濫調或是轉移注意力的自私做法都不會有好的結果,不能稱為真正的策略。
- Doing this means you don』t pay attention to your food, forget how full you are, and so overeat. (Issue 131, P2)這樣做意味著你不注意飲食,忘記你飽了沒有,所以吃得過多。
- In China』s history ,people often emprise liberal arts and don』t pay attention to the science arts. 而且,中國歷史文化中的重文輕理的現象,使得藝術在知識教育體系中顯得尤為重要。
- Religion is often made the covert of crime. 宗教常成為罪惡的護庇所。
- The parents tried to smother up his son's crime. 這兩個家長想給其兒子掩蓋罪行。
- You know, even if we don t pay attention to the 2 guys speaking... they spoke very clearly (absolutely not eavesdropping, right? 你知道;就算我們兩個沒有很注意聽...他們講什麽我們也都聽的很清楚(絕對沒有偷聽;是不是)
- The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won. 市長確信反犯罪活動之戰爭必定勝利。
- The murderer was overtaken in his crime. 殺人犯當場被捕。
- After loosing it in a plane crash, he left embalmed limb in a barbecue cooker in a storage facility, when he didn』t pay the rent, his belongings were auctioned off. 在空難中失去腳之後,這名男子將裝在烤肉炊具里添加了防腐劑的斷腳放在存儲設施里。由於沒有付租金,他的物品被拍賣。