- Several companies gang up to raise prices. 幾家大公司串通一氣抬高物價。
- The two companies consolidated last year. 這兩個公司去年合併了。
- They were associated in several clothing companies. 他們合作經營過幾家服裝公司。
- Several companies are competing for the contract. 幾家公司正為爭取一項合同而互相競爭。
- We don't do (much) business with foreign companies. 我們跟外國公司沒有(多少)生意來往。
- The rival companies tried to outsell one another. 相互競爭的公司試圖比對方銷售出更多的貨物。
- I hate dealing with large impersonal companies. 我討厭與那些沒有人情味的大公司打交道。
- Six John serves on the boards of several companies. 約翰爵士兼任好幾家公司的董事。
- The two companies settled out of court. 兩家公司在法院外了結了爭端。
- The two companies have teamed up to develop a new racing car. 那兩個公司已合作研製新型賽車。
- Foreign companies were invited to bid for the new subway. 一些外國公司應邀參加了承建該地下鐵路的投標。
- The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers with effluent. 這些化學公司排出廢水污染著我們的河流。
- The computer industry has spawned hundreds of new companies. 電腦行業中已有幾百家新公司湧現。
- Companies must be able to compete in the market-place. 公司一定要在商品交易中有競爭力。
- Smith laid bare the secret agreements between the companies. 史密斯揭穿了這兩家公司之間的秘密協定。
- The issue is underwritten by three underwriting companies. 三家包銷公司承購了發行的股票。
- Several companies are bidding for the contract to build the bridge. 有幾家公司在投標爭取承包建橋工程。
- The companies were greatly inconvenienced by the postal delays. 郵件延誤給這些公司造成極大不便。
- Companies must be able to compete in the marketplace. 公司一定要在市場中有競爭力。
- Certain big oil companies attempted to cash in on the energy crisis. 某些大石油公司企圖從能源危機中撈到好處。