- Clearly, too, the commander of the US forces outside the Shia holy city of Najaf seems to have a very clear appreciation of the delicacy of the situation. 顯然,在什葉派聖城納吉夫城外的美軍武裝部隊司令似乎同樣深諳局勢的微妙。
- General Burwell Bell, commander of US forces in South Korea, was nicknamed "Baek Bo-guk," meaning the "defender of the country. 美國大使館一名發言人稱,賴斯於本周二離開韓國,前往北京開始其第二階段的地區訪問。賴斯此行旨在打破朝核問題會談的僵局。
- Clearly, too, the commander of the US forces outside the Shia holy ciy of Najaf seems to have a very clear appreciation of the delicacy of the situation. 顯然,在什葉派聖城納吉夫城外的美軍武裝部隊司令似乎同樣深諳局勢的微妙。
- According to electronic surveillance the coalition command in Qatar order the attacking US forces to halt on at least three occasions. 根據電子偵察,聯軍在卡達的指揮部至少三次命令美軍進攻部隊停止前進。
- A battle in the Korean War (1950):the US forces landed at Inchon. 朝鮮戰爭(1950)中的戰役:美軍登陸仁川。
- Iraqi and US forces raided the Shiite militia stronghold in Baghdad today. 伊美兩軍今天突襲了巴格達什葉派民兵據點。
- AsGen. John Craddock, the recently retired EUCOM commander, noted earlierthis year, Russia had taken a number of steps that signaled a desire toengage with US forces before ties were suspended. 作為司令約翰克拉多克最近退休EUCOM指揮官指出,今年早些時候,俄羅斯已經採取了一些步驟,暗示希望同美國軍隊在兩國關係中斷。
- Any ceasefire would be simultaneous with the withdrawal of US forces. 美軍何時撤走,停火便在何時實施。
- III.Iraqi and US forces raided the Shiite militia stronghold in Baghdad today. 伊拉克軍隊和美軍今天突襲了什葉派穆斯林在巴格達的據點。
- One leader declared: 「We have defeated the US forces, with the help of God. 一位頭目宣稱:「在真主的幫助下,我們已經擊敗了美國軍隊。」
- commander of US forces in Afghanistan 駐阿富汗美軍司令
- In 1846, US forces led by General Stephen W. Kearney captured Santa Fe, New Mexico. 1846年;斯蒂芬率領的美國武裝佔領了新墨西哥州的聖達菲.
- In 1847,US forces under Zachary Taylor defeated Mexican forces under Santa Anna in the Mexican War. 1847年,美國統治下的聖扎迦利泰勒在墨西哥戰爭中打敗了墨西哥統治下的斯塔安娜。
- Mr.Bush says US forces are slowly but surely gaining ground on terrorists in Afghanistan. 說儘管進展緩慢但美軍的確在同阿富汗恐怖分子的戰役中佔了上風。
- US forces raid an Iranian consulate in the northern Iraqi town of Irbil and seize five members of staff. 美軍空襲伊拉克的伊朗領事館在北部的埃爾比勒鎮抓住五名員工。
- The captain reiterated the command to us. 上尉對我們重申了那項命令。
- He regretted that the victims were not soldiers, but unarmed and posed no threat to the US forces. 他感到羞愧:受害者並不是士兵,而是手無寸鐵、對美軍毫無威脅的。
- In 1943, during World War Two, US forces seized control of Tarawa and Makin atolls from the Japanese. 1943年二戰期間,美國武力佔領日本所有的塔拉瓦島和馬肯島。
- The commander chalked out his plan of attack. 司令官對進攻計劃作了粗略的介紹。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 轉寄給我們的郵件晚了很久才拿到。