- The Church of England is not the power in the land it used to be. 英國教會在國內不如以前那樣得勢了。
- The minister left the church of England and went over to Rome. 該教士脫離了英國國教聖公會,皈依羅馬天主教了。
- A believer or follower of Wicca;a Wiccan. 巫術崇拜者;巫術迷信的追隨者
- A believer or follower of Wicca; a Wiccan. 巫術崇拜者;巫術迷信的追隨者
- Many people adhere to the church of their parents. 許多人皈依他們父母所屬的教派。
- Henry VIII founded the Church of England. 享利八世創建了英國國教。
- Pentecostal Church of God of America, Inc. 美國五旬節真神會。
- Most people adhere to the church of their parents. 多數人都依附於父母的教會。
- The Queen is titular head of the Church of England. 英國女王是英國國教名義上的領袖。
- He belongs to the Church of England. 他屬於英國教會。
- A branch or church of this society. 此類團體的分支或教堂
- He began what is now called the Gardnerian Tradition of Wicca. 他開始的是叫做加德列的女巫傳統。
- Hagia Sophia or Church of Holy Wisdom. 聖索非亞大教堂昤聖潔的場所。
- Grace Community Church of the Valley /Mark A.Weitz. 書名/著者敘述 Clergy malpractice in America :Nally v.
- They tried to split the United Church of Catholicism. 他們曾試圖分裂聯合天主教會。
- Americans are entitled to attend the church of their choice. 美國人有權去他們自己選擇的教堂。
- My brother is a minister at the Church of Saint Peter in Mexico. 我弟弟是墨西哥聖彼得教堂的牧師。
- Although many Wiccans today may cast spells and practice magick, these are not considered an integral part of Wicca by all Wiccans. 雖然今天許多巫術崇拜者可以投射符咒和實踐魔法,這些都不能看作為全部巫術崇拜者的主要部分。
- Q.3 Why did Paul send out Timothy to the church of Thessalonians? 問題3:為什麼保羅派送提摩太到帖撒羅尼迦教會去?
- Since much of Wicca is more world view and ceremonial practice than anything else, there is no Wiccan proscription of such things. 由於多數巫術崇拜者比任何別的宗教更看重世界和儀式實踐,就沒有巫術崇拜者被剝奪了這些東西。