- The section of Fu Yung Shan Road between Route Twisk and Chuk Lam Sim Yuen will be closed. 芙蓉山路介乎荃錦公路與竹林禪院之間的路段將會封閉。
- Distribution: Tai Po, Lam Tsuen Valley, Fung Yuen, Plover Cove, etc. Guangdong (Shenzhen). 地理分佈:大埔、林村谷、鳳園、船灣等地。除香港外,僅廣東深圳有分佈。
- Via Tolo Highway towards Fan Ling, turn left before Hong Lok Yuen; turn to Lam Kam Road on roundabout. Wishing Tree is on your right. 大埔吐露港公路直入,往粉嶺方向見康樂園路牌左轉,到達迴旋處,轉入林錦公路,許願樹就位於右邊路旁。
- Distribution: Tai Po, Lam Tsuen Valley, Fung Yuen, Plover Cove, etc. Guangdong( Shenzhen). 地理分佈:大埔、村谷、園、灣等地。除香港外,僅廣東深圳有分佈。
- Shim Hye-Jin is a veteran actress in Korea. 沈惠珍是韓國知名女演員。
- Wong Chuk Hang Catholic Primary School (A.M. 黃竹坑天主教小學(上午校)
- My father really lam into me for damaging his car. 因為我把父親的汽車弄壞了,他把我狠狠打了一頓。
- Nick's boss always pays shim late. 尼克的老闆總是遲發薪水。
- In the last Lam's fight with Yuen Biao demonstrates his expert skill in fighting with a fan and double knives. 在過去的林的鬥爭與元彪專家表明他的戰鬥技巧與球迷和雙重刀。
- Some 0.060" to 0.010" spring steel or shim steel. 有些0.;060「到0
- About 100 million mu of bamboo forest area, the largest national Chuk Yuen, Asia's largest, most varieties of Caryophyllaceae class botanical garden - Bamboo Park. 譽稱中國十大竹鄉之一的安吉,果真名不虛傳,境內沿路不論是山地丘陵、還是河谷平原,放眼望去,漫山遍野都是青青翠竹,碧綠如洗,連空氣中都瀰漫著竹子的清香。
- Tissue Culture of Alyssum maritimum(L.) Lam. Alyssum maritimum(L.;) lam
- Address: 9 Yuen Long Tai Yuk Road, N.T. 地址:新界元朗體育路9號。
- Yuen Long historical relics and monuments. 元朗文物古迹概覽。
- Dr Lam tells me you have refused to eat. Lam醫生告訴我你拒絕吃東西。
- Karyotype Analysis of Caragana microphylla Lam. 小葉錦雞兒的核型分析。
- Ha Ha Ha! We get another Yuen Muk right here! 高級幹部貪污並且把貪污得來的錢轉移西方國家毫無根據。
- Study on Micropropagation of Ipomoea batatas Lam. 甘薯微繁殖技術研究。
- It is accessible from Siu Lek Yuen Road. 可由小瀝源路前往。