- The Chinese style barbecues is so delicious. 中國的燒烤可真好吃。
- She was wearing an old silk Chinese style affair. 她穿了一件過時的中式絲綢衣服。
- He even used a name and address of Chinese style. 他甚至還用了中國式的名字和稱呼。
- Liu jiang:Chinese style,of course. 劉江:當然是中式的。
- The newlyweds dressed Chinese style. 中國式的新婚裝扮。
- Some souvenirs are in Chinese style. 一些紀念品是中國風格的。
- He prefers to paint in the traditional Chinese style. 他比較願意畫國畫。
- The room was done over in traditional Chinese style. 這間房間按照中國傳統的風格重新布置過了。
- Her long dress was slitup to the knee in Chinese style. 她的長裙按中國式開口至膝。
- Her long dress was slit up to the knee in Chinese style. 她的長裙按中國方式開口開到膝蓋處。
- Would you prefer a Western style hotel or a Chinese style inn? 您喜歡西式,還是中式旅館?
- Whole is contracted, adorn element of a few Chinese style. 整體簡約,點綴一些中式元素。
- Chinese Style --JM invites a PLMM to dance in the dance pool. 「舞池」用英語怎麼說?英語怎麼說「舞池」?
- Bustling street in ancient Chinese style is full of vitality. 古代中國風味的熱鬧街道,生氣勃勃。
- You now,Mr. Davis,there is typical Chinese style cuisine in this hotel. 戴維斯先生,您知識嗎,這家飯店的中國茶可是很有名的。
- Or blue, red ocher, to contain Chinese style decorative accessories elements. 或藏青、赭紅等含有中式元素的飾物來進行裝飾。
- The room of Chinese style style, should choose the frame of lubricious Ze Fuli. 中式格調的房間,則應選用色澤富麗的框架。
- To dilettante for, chinese style style is a very good selection of subject. 對於外行來說,中式風格是個很不錯的選題。
- The restaurant is of Chinese style and the primary dining place in the whole of The Bund Hotel. 金澤園餐廳是中式餐廳,也是整個金外灘賓館的主餐廳。
- Also called Verso. For books open by the left, as in tradition Chinese style which are set vertically, these pages are the right-hand pages. 偶數頁:帶有雙頁碼的書頁。從右翻開的書,偶數頁在左邊。從左邊翻開的書,例如傳統直排的中文書籍,偶數在右邊。