- Acts prohibited by relevant Chinese and overseas laws and regulations. 中國和境外的相關法律及規定禁止的行為。
- In the process, new jobs will be created and significant business opportunities will be available for local and overseas companies. 工程進行期間,更可創造就業機會,以及為本地和海外公司帶來更多商機。
- As part of our mission to facilitate Hong Kong trade, we collect information and maintain a database about Hong Kong and overseas companies. 作為本局促進香港貿易使命的一部分,本局須就香港及海外公司,收集資料及維持資料庫。
- The carpets and wall hangings made by the Uygur and Mongolian peoples are very popular on the Chinese and overseas markets. 維吾爾族、蒙古族的地毯、壁掛,從民族地區風行到全中國,外銷世界上許多國家和地區。
- As a member in the family of the Chinese Nation, the Hakka people cause more and more attention of Chinese and overseas scholars. 摘要作為中華民族大家庭中的一員,客家人越來越受到專家學者的關注,他們的歷史、文化、社會、宗教等問題均成為研究對象。
- As a professional OEM service supplier, we can provide SMT manufacturing and assembly service on wireless communication products for both domestic and overseas companies. 我們是專註於OEM代工產業的專業服務提供商,始終致力於為國內外企業提供無線通信產品的SMT/生產組裝。
- Encourage Both Chinese and overseas investments in the central and western regions. 鼓勵國內外投資者到中西部投資。
- Get free E-mail in both Chinese and English versions on latest domestic and overseas cultural news. 以E-Mail的形式定期收到來自國內外的藝術最新動態
- His witty, highly collectable works are sure to appeal to many Chinese and overseas collectors. 他作品所傳遞的詼諧及極具收藏性必會吸引眾多中國及國際藏家的關注。
- In this thesis, from Chinese and overseas part I expatiate history of the development and application of ceramic mural decoration breadthwise. 本論文橫向從中國和外國兩部分對陶瓷壁飾的發展歷史和應用情況進行了闡述;
- Private property,including houses and land,as well as business ownership,legal inheritance and overseas Chinese and foreign investments on the island will all be protected by law. 諸如私人財產、房屋、土地、企業所有權、合法繼承權、華僑和外國人投資等,一律受法律保護。
- In charge of the tax declare for Chinese and overseas staffs: provide calculation, check and declare service for personal tax, also provide rational consulting every month. 代理外籍、中國籍僱員個人所得稅納稅申報:每月代理個人收應繳個人所得稅的計算、複核及申報,並提供可能的稅賦合理化諮詢。
- Secondly,I will make them known how to enjoy Chinese foods and how to use the chopsticks and other things, as well as customs and traditional proprieties of Chinese and overseas. 其次,向他們介紹怎麼食用以及如何使用筷子技術等問題,告訴他們中國與國外的風俗習慣和傳統禮節;
- Litigationsupport, audit assurance, HK and overseas company formation, taxation, accountancy, secretarial service and business advisory. 主要服務商業訴訟、審計、稅務、會計、註冊成立公司及公司秘書。
- On the other hand, people are spoilt for choice by the variety of recreational and entertainment activities that demonstrate how colourful and interesting life is in Shanghai,it is no wonder that Chinese and overseas tourists are flocking to the city. 那麼休閑娛樂選擇之多,則表現了上海多姿多彩的城市生活,吸引了海內外遊客紛紛前來上海觀光旅遊。
- Li noted that it is of great significance that Chinese and overseas participants discussed in depth around the forum's theme of "New Century, New Vision: Business Opportunities After China's WTO Entry". 李嵐清說,本次論壇的主題是「新世紀,新視野:中國加入世界貿易組織后的商機」。中外來賓圍繞這個主題深入進行探討很有意義。
- Emphasizing on the enlighenment education of good quality of preschool children the paradise of living, studying, exploring and growing for Chinese and overseas children cradle of fostering the children with parents. 注重學前期孩子良好素質的啟蒙教育。是中外孩子生活、學習、探索、成長的樂園;是家園共育孩子的搖籃。
- There is an affinity between Chinese and Japanese character. 漢字與日文之間有密切關係。
- These treasures of fine arts, with their deeply embodied ideas, great aesthetic values and clear-cut features of the time, have attracted and fascinated numerous Chinese and overseas visitors keen on fine arts. 這些作品以其深刻的思想性、高度的審美價值和鮮明的時代感,使國內外無數藝術愛好者為之吸引和傾倒。
- The overseas companies were diversifying more rapidly. 海外公司正在更迅速地從事各種經營。