- China Resources Peoples Telephone Co. 華潤萬眾電話。
- Heilongjiang China Resources Alcohol Co. 黑龍江華潤酒精有限公司。
- Acting Hong Kong China Resources afterburner senior lubricants. 代理香港華潤加力高級潤滑油.
- Please drive me to Beijing Century Golden Resources hotel, 69 Banjing Road, Haidian District. 請送我到北京世紀金源大飯店北京市海淀區板井路69號。
- We have very good connections with the China Resources Shipping and Storage Co. Ltd. in Hongkong. 我們和香港華潤運輸倉儲有限公司關係很好。
- At present, Guiyang, China Resources Land Development project level some progress has been made. 目前,華潤貴陽一級土地開發項目已取得一定進展。
- This would leave China Resources Huayuan why the ferries, Yaozhuoxiaoshanban, to find their own course? 為什麼華遠寧願離開華潤這條大船,搖著小舢板,自己去找尋航向?
- Rather, Agni see real gold, a stronger credibility of China Resources Group, a higher credit rating. 相反,烈火見真金,華潤集團的信譽更強了,信用評級更高了。」
- Under the brand name "China Resources" paint "love" decoration paint century, "Pearl" and "Sistine" and other best-selling products throughout China. 旗下品牌「華潤」塗料、「愛的」裝修漆、「世紀明珠」、「西斯廷」等產品暢銷神州大地。
- China Resources Beijing branch is home to the star event, described as "the first hard American Sanyuanqiao apartments, CBD, the private garden. 更是華潤置地北京分公司的明星樓盤,被描述為「三元橋頭精裝美式公寓,CBD中的私家園林」。
- Carrefour, 100, Hong Cheng, China Resources Vanguard, Jia-sheng, Jusco supermarkets, and so on for the time being not to the Heinz shelves. 家樂福、百佳、宏城、華潤萬家、勝佳、吉之島等超市就暫時未對亨氏下架。
- Any requests for access to or correction of the data can be made to Senior EIS Manager, 17/F China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. 若閣下須查詢或更改閣下之個人資料,可向高級展覽訊息服務經理提出,地址為香港灣仔港灣道26號華潤大廈17樓。
- It was not long before applicants besieged the official with questions as a long queue snaked around the state-owned China Resources building in the Wanchai district. 申請者們很快就圍住這名官員,急著提出各種問題,灣仔中國政府所有的華潤大廈周圍排起了蜿蜒的長隊。
- At present, China Resources Snow production capacity of about 1170 million liters, the acquisition is completed, production capacity increase of about 46.8 million liters. 目前,華潤雪花產能約1170萬千升,收購完成後,產能將增加約46.;8萬千升。
- Sanyuanqiao district in Beijing, China Resources put in, first home buyers and Cosco estate, are also exploring the possibility of a regional cooperation. 在北京三元橋地區,華潤置地、首創置業和中遠地產,也在探討一種區域合作的可能。
- Established in 2004, China Resources PowTech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (「CRPT」) focuses on standard analog IC products, develops high quality analog, mixed-signal IC. 2004年設立的華潤矽威(上海)科技有限公司以標準模擬IC產品為發展方向,開發高品質的模擬、混合信號IC。
- Beijing Century Golden Resources Hotel, International Hall, the second floor 北京世紀金源酒店二層國際廳
- China resource status of chromium and its ferrochromium alloy production in the 21th century are discussed in this paper. 全面分析了我國鉻資源和鉻鐵合金的生產現狀,認為對低品位鉻礦和粉礦的利用是緩解我國鉻資源不足的途徑之一。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中國的首都。