- She is helped by Wei's best friends, Yeh Tai-kor (David Chiang), Mui Choi (Richard Ng) and Dao Shi (Danny Poon). 真真得到偉之好友耶大歌(姜大衛飾),梅菜(吳耀漢飾)及豆鼓(潘宏彬飾)之幫助,聯手用計對付查。
- Are we looking at the Ang Lee of music? 我們看到了一個音樂界的李安嗎?
- Chiu SH, Wang SJ, Pan MJ, Lin CH, Lin IP, Chiang CS, Mu JJ, Wu HS. 2007. Leptospirosis in Taiwan. 5th International Conference on Emerging zoonoses. Nov. 15-8, Limassol, Cyprus. 陳志峯、林春福、潘銘正。2007。流浪犬貓腸胃道黏膜乳酸產生菌之調查。台灣微生物學會第41周年學術研討會。[海報展示
- Ang, Ien. Watching Dallas. London: Methuen, 1985. 《觀看〈達拉斯〉》。倫敦:梅圖恩出版社,1985年版。
- Chen Wei poises himself at the top of the platform. 陳偉在跳台頂端保持住平衡。
- Continue climb to FL260 on radial190 CH. 在ch方位190度繼續爬升到高度層260。
- Such was the view of Chiang Kai-shek and company. 這是蔣介石等人的意見。
- Miss T'ang opened her eyes wide in amazement. 唐小姐也睜大了眼。
- Ch an Ching Wai World Intelligence Project. 清偉全球智能工程。
- Nor dare I.Wang Wei is everything in my life. 王偉對於我來說,是我生命的全部。
- They also disapprove of Chiang Kai-shek's policies. 他們也不贊成蔣介石的政策。
- Ch us how to develop photographs. 老師將教我們如何沖洗。
- Feature audio commentary with Director Ang Lee. 導演李安解說音軌。
- Chiang Kai-shek was never able to unify China. 蔣介石就從來沒有統一過中國。
- Guangzhou Technology ang Bussiness College. 廣州工商職業技術學院。
- Accomplish other jobs disposed by CH and Sr. 完成教學主管和中心主任布置的其它工作。
- The Study of Aesthetic Psychology in Ch. 語文課堂審美心理研究;
- Could you recommend me ang books of spoken English. 你能推薦基本英語口語書給我嗎?
- The Reds had captured a few Chiang's airplanes. 紅軍繳獲了少數幾架蔣介石的飛機。
- Chiang Kai-Shek tours the National Palace Museum. 蔣公巡視故宮博物院。