- In cardiac catheterization, a thin flexible tube (catheter) is passed through a blood vessel (artery or vein) to the heart. 將一種易彎曲的導管插入動脈或靜脈,最後抵達心臟。
- During urgent cardiac catheterization, the 6-French diagnostic catheter recorded severe pressure damping during cannulation of the ostium of the left coronary artery. 急診心導管中,6-F診斷性導管在插入左冠狀動脈開口時記錄到顯著的壓力下降。
- Dr. Ting and colleagues assessed the safety of ambulation one hour after diagnostic cardiac catheterization with a transfemoral approach using a 5F catheter system in 1005 consecutie patients. 丁博士及其同事連續對1005位使用5F導管施行經股動脈心導管術的病人進行了術后1小時下床活動的安全性的評估。
- Your child's coarctation of the aorta may be repaired surgically in an operating room or by a cardiac catheterization procedure. 你孩子的主動脈縮窄可以在手術室里用外科修復的辦法或者心導管介入的方法進行治療。
- At the cardiac catheterization lab, you will lie on a table. 該動畫演示了將球囊導管插入到斑塊阻塞的冠狀動脈處的過程。
- Catheters are thin, flexible tubes used in cardiac catheterization. 在心導管手術中通常要用到有彈性的細導管。
- CAD can be treated during cardiac catheterization with a procedure called angioplasty (AN-jee-oh-plas-tee).During angioplasty, a tiny balloon is put through the catheter and into the blocked artery. 在進行心導管插入術的同時,CAD(冠心病)可以通過一種成為「血管成形術」來進行治療。
- After ultrafast computed tomography and cardiac catheterization confirmation, the patient received a pericardiectomy with excellent relief of symptoms. 在快速斷層掃瞄及心導管確定靜診斷後,病童經心包膜切開術后癥狀快速的改善。
- The haemostatic closure device is intended for closuring femoral artery puncture site after cardiac catheterization. 血管封堵器被廣泛應用於心導管術后股動脈穿刺部位止血。
- The diagnosis was confirmed by systolic murmur,thrill, chest X-ray,UCG,ECG and cardiac catheterization. 全部病例經發現心臟雜音、震顫、X 線片,超聲心動圖、心電圖和心導管檢查作出診斷。
- However, aortic dissection was suspected during cardiac catheterization and then comfirmed by echocardiography. 然而在心導管過程中懷疑有主動脈剝離而後被心臟超音波所確定。
- In the future, cardiac MRI may be used to guide invasive procedures such as cardiac catheterization. 在將來,心臟磁共振成像可能會用於引導一些侵入性的醫療手段(比如「心導管插入術」)。
- The hemodynamic indexes were measured by the simultaneous cardiac catheterization and echocardiography. 兩者結合建立左右心室簡易壓力容量關係。
- CAD can be treated during cardiac catheterization with a procedure called angioplasty (AN-jee-oh-plas-tee). 在進行心導管插入術的同時,CAD(冠心病)可以通過一種成為「血管成形術」來進行治療。
- Catheters are thin, flexible tubes used in a procedure called cardiac catheterization (KATH-e-ter-i-ZA-shun). 的治療手段。
- These patients are often candidates for thrombolytic agents and cardiac catheterization. 這些病人常常是血栓溶解劑和心導管插管的使用對象。
- Howeer, impedance cardiography, which has been shown to be a reliable alternatie to cardiac catheterization, offers a noninasie method of screening such patients. 然而,心阻抗圖,被證實是一個可信賴的代替心導管術的方法,。提供了一個非侵入性方法來篩選這樣的病人。
- The final diagnosis of UAPA can be made by cardiac catheterization, CT scan and MRI, which is the foundation for satisfactory treatment. UAPA通常可以通過心血管造影、CT和MRI獲得確診,掌握適當的診斷技術,是進行滿意治療的基礎。
- Cardiac catheterization (KATH-e-ter-i-ZA-shun) is a medical procedure used to diagnose and treat certain heart conditions. 心導管插入術是一種用於診斷和治療特定心臟疾患的醫療手段。
- To deliver the dye to your coronary arteries, a procedure called cardiac catheterization (KATH-e-ter-i-ZA-shun) is used. 為了將染劑輸送到冠狀動脈,需要藉助一種稱為心導管插入術 的方法。