- China Electronics Information Property Group Co. 中國電子信息產業集團公司。
- China Electronic Int'l Trading Co. 中國電子國際貿易公司。
- China Electronic System Engineering Co. 中國電子系統工程總公司。
- She has exped 18 plants in six ries globally, ranking NO.1 in China electronics industry TOP 100 in the past years. 總部設在美國密蘇里州聖路易市,在全球三大洲(歐、亞、北美)共6個國家設立了18間工廠。在過去幾年的中國電子電路百強企業排名中,惠亞集團雄踞第一。
- Alexandra China Electronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is Japan SUNWA-TECHNOS Co., Ltd. in Shanghai set up a wholly owned subsidiary. 珊華電子科技(上海)有限公司是由日本SUNWA-TECHNOS株式會社在上海設立的全資子公司。
- My company under the China Electronics Import and Export Corporation, set up since the early nineties, setting a brilliant achievement. 我公司隸屬於中國電子進出口總公司,九十年代初成立以來,創下了輝煌的成績。
- The Tax Branch of China Electronic Commerce Association. 中國電子商務協會稅務分會。
- Third, is not sitting in front of computers, computer means an electronic game. 第三條,坐在電腦前也是不好的,電腦意味著電子遊戲。
- Panda Electronics has made special contribution to the foundation and development of China electronics industry, China national defense and national modern construction. 熊貓電子為中國電子工業的創立和發展,為中國國防和國家現代化建設作出了卓越貢獻。
- How do check Industrial and Commercial Bank of China electron bank password calorie sigmatism number of times? 您的位置:我也知道>無分類>怎麼樣查工行電子銀行口令卡的使用次數?
- As you know, we specialize in electronic games. 正如你們多了解的,我們專門經營電子遊戲。
- Alexandra China Electronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is Japan SUNWA-TECHNOS Co., Ltd. in Shanghai set up a wholly owned subsidiary.SUNWA-TECHNOS Co. 珊華電子科技(上海)有限公司是由日本SUNWA-TECHNOS株式會社在上海設立的全資子公司。
- How did you get started in electronic gaming? 你是怎麼開始打電子遊戲的?
- As you know, we specialise in electronic games. 正如你們多了解的,我們專門經營電子遊戲。
- Neway, services for the decision-maker group of the China electronic industry. 穩新資訊,為中國電子行業中的決策社群服務!
- Of course, there are a lot, for instance, internet center, cinemas, electronic game machines, theaters and KTV rooms. 當然啦,有很多,如互聯網中心、電影院、電子遊戲機、劇院和卡拉OK廳等。
- Presiding apparitor Hu Guojiang expresses couplet China electron, the consumption that couplet report cannot ignore rapid growth kind shine keep the market. 聯華電子首席執行官胡國強暗示,聯電不克不迭輕忽迅速增添的生產類快閃記憶體市場。
- Thirdly, owners of illegal electronic game bars are to be accused of offering the chances and luring students to play. 第三,非法的遊戲廳經營者應該受到指責,因為他們給孩子們提供了機會並引誘他們去玩。
- One more electronic game or one more DVD movie or one more pop song holds back the slide into boredom and depression. 再多的電子遊戲,或多一個DVD電影,或多一首流行音樂,只能暫時阻止我們滑向無聊與消沉。
- At present, China Electronics News (CEN) has already formed an integrated marketing and transmitting system involving in newspaper publishing, network platform, meetings and activities. 目前,中國電子報社已經形成集報紙出版、網路平台、會議活動等於一體的整合營銷傳播體系。