- Lizards have four legs and a long tail. 蜥蜴有四條腿和一條長尾巴。
- I have no leg, but I have a long tail. 我沒有腿,但是我有一條長尾巴。
- That cat with a long tail is mine. 那長尾巴的貓是我的。
- I have no leg,but I have a long tail. 我沒有腿,但是我有一條長尾巴。
- It』s long lane that has no truning . 車到山前必有路。
- The aircraft has a long tail fin. 那架飛機有一個長長的尾翼。
- The monkey has a long tail,a very long tail. 猴子有一條長尾巴,一條很長的尾巴。
- Below let us explore the long tail phenomenon. 下面就讓我們對長尾現象進行探索。
- I had no legs, but I had a long tail. 我沒有腿,但我有一條長長的尾巴。
- The little monkey has a long tail. 這隻小猴有一條長尾巴。
- Mother' s longing for her son to come home. 母親非常盼望兒子回家。
- To run the factory, he had his house a monkey with a long tail. 為使工廠運轉起來,他把房子都抵押上了。
- I got a new kite shaped like a diamond with a long tail. 我得到一個新的風箏,形狀像一顆有長尾巴的鑽石
- ABB's long history with the TVA dates back to the utility's founding. ABB與TVA悠久的合作歷史可以追溯到發電廠的建立之時。
- Use a bid management tool to manage the long tail of your campaign. 使用競價管理工具去管理你的廣告活動的長尾效應。
- To be modest and treat everyone with respect could be Mr. J's long suit. (為人謙遜和尊敬他人,是J先生的優點。)
- Pulled Long Tail! Can Personalized Portal Be A Killer Application? 00被拉粗的「長尾」!個性化門戶能否成為殺手級應用?
- US Air Forces perform stunt(絕技) aerobatic flight in NY's Long Island. 美國空軍在紐約長島舉行特技飛行表演。
- Well, it had beady little eyes and a long tail, and went like this. 咳,它長著圓亮的小眼睛和長尾巴,走起來就像這樣。
- Dario Simic\'s long ball found Paloschi who beat Gennaro Sardo and hit the net. 西米奇長傳,帕羅斯基接球擺脫了後衛薩多但射門打到邊網上。