- The old law abolished bonded labour. 舊法律廢除了抵押勞動制。
- Former member of the Valeria Liberation Front. 前瓦倫利亞解放陣線成員。
- He led the national liberation front. 他領導了民族解放陣線。
- Baghdad trains Palestine Liberation Front members in small arms and explosives. 巴格達在小武器和爆炸物方面訓練巴勒斯坦解放陣線。
- To Marx, labour liberation is the most basic request and way to realize harmonious society. 對馬克思來說,勞動解放是實現和諧社會最基本的要求和途徑。
- There are two aspects-the nature and social aspect-of labour liberation, its key content is the transformation from alien labour to unrestrained activity. 勞動解放包含自然層面的解放和社會層面的解放兩方面內容,其核心內容是勞動成為自主活動。
- A Vietnamese belonging to or supporting the National Liberation Front of the nation formerly named South Vietnam. 越共屬於或者支持越南民族解放陣線(以前叫南越)的越南人
- Saddam uses the Arab Liberation Front to funnel money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers in order to prolong the Intifada. 薩達姆利用阿拉伯解放陣線向巴勒斯坦自殺者的家屬提供資金。
- His faction of the Palestinian Liberation Front operated out of Tunisia until the cruise ship attack, then relocated to Iraq. 劫船事件發生前,他的巴勒斯坦解放陣線組織一直在突尼西亞境外活動,此後,他們撤回到伊拉克。
- The signs bore the initials of the radical environmental group: Earth Liberation Front. 上面印著地球解放陣線這個激進環保團體的首字母組合。
- The Philippine military said rebels of the Separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front were responsible. 菲律賓軍方宣稱,反叛武裝組織摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線主導了這起惡性事件。
- The Moro Islamic Liberation Front is a Muslim separatist rebel group located in Southern Philippines. 菲最大穆斯林反政府民族武裝組織。1978年從摩洛民族解放陣線分離后建立。
- Police suspected the separatist group, United Liberation Front of Assam, is responsible for the attack. 警方懷疑分離組織阿薩姆統一解放陣線對此次攻擊事件負有責任。
- It's the lunatic fringe of the Animal Liberation Front which smashes the windows of butchers' shops, not ordinary members like us. 是「 動物解放陣線」的極端分子打碎了肉店的玻璃窗,可不是我們這樣的普通成員。
- The Magarot Liberation Front agrees with the Maoist position and demands to participate in the revolutionary united front. 「瑪嘉解放陣線贊同毛澤東主義者的觀點,並要求參加革命統一戰線。
- The government meanwhile resumed talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which for four decades has been waging an insurgency on Mindanao. 與此同時菲律賓政府也恢復了與摩羅伊斯蘭解放陣線的談判,該組織在明達瑙地區的叛亂已經持續了40年之久。
- An Ethiopian rebel group known as the Ogaden National Liberation Front says it attacked the workers because it objects to the exploitation of the region's mineral resources. 衣索比亞的一個號稱「歐加登全國解放陣線」的反政府組織聲稱對這起攻擊事件負責。這個組織說,他們反對任何公司剝奪這個地區的礦物資源。
- In November, the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an underground organization, gave warning that it had「spiked」trees in the Nez Perce national forest to protest against logging. 十一月份的時候,地下組織「地球解放陣線」警告說他已在內茲佩爾塞國家森林的樹木中「釘了釘子」以抗議伐木行為。
- The mill where we often labour is a paper mill. 我們經常勞動的工廠是造紙廠。
- He is a man of consequence in the Labour Party. 他是工黨中舉足輕重的人物。