- The squadron flew a reconnaissance mission. 該空軍中隊執行一偵察任務。
- A balloon floated across the sky. 有個氣球從空中飄過。
- I don't want to be around when the balloon goes up. 要出事了,我趁早離開是非之地。
- He burst the balloon with a prick of the pin. 他用針一戳,氣球就爆了。
- A thrust with the pin broke the balloon. 用針一戳,氣球就爆了。
- The balloon burst and fell to earth. 氣球破裂而落到地上。
- The girl was startled when the balloon exploded. 這女孩在氣球爆炸時吃了一驚。
- The cat batted the balloon with its paws. 貓用爪子擊打氣球。
- The child pricked the balloon and it burst. 那孩子在氣球上刺了個洞,氣球就爆了。
- Humanitarianism is apt to be forgotten when the balloon goes up. 一旦戰爭爆發,人道主義往往就被拋到腦後了。
- The spectators watched the descent of the balloon. 觀看的人瞧著氣球降落。
- Photographic aerial reconnaissance especially of military targets. 空中照相偵察空中照相偵察,尤指軍事目的的
- The ballast may be thrown out to make the balloon go higher. 沙袋可以拋掉以使氣球飛得更高。
- She affirms this balloon being her. 她肯定這是她的氣球。
- A usually open gondola suspended from a hot-air balloon. 吊籃懸挂在熱氣球上,通常為敞口的吊籃
- Some Negroes advanced in a bark under the balloon. 在氣球下面有幾個黑人划著一隻小船。
- A balloon rubbed with wool becomes "electrified". 用毛織品摩擦氣球而「起電」。
- Who was the first man to make an ascent in a balloon? 第一個乘氣球升空的人是誰?
- The balloon will dilate with air. 氣球充氣將會膨脹。
- I want to hop the Atlantic by a hot-air balloon. 我想乘坐熱氣球飛越大西洋。