- Q: (Asahi Shinbun) Japan is considering salvaging the boat sunken last year in East China Sea. 8、日本朝日新聞記者問:日本現在考慮把去年年底在東海被擊沉的船隻打撈上來。
- (Asahi Shinbun) Japan is considering salvaging the boat sunken last year in East China Sea. 日本朝日新聞記者問:日本現在考慮把去年年底在東海被擊沉的船隻打撈上來。
- Zibo Asahi Glass Alumina Materials Co., Ltd. 淄博旭硝子剛玉材料有限公司。
- Zibo Asahi Glass Fused Materials Co., Ltd. 淄博旭硝子電熔材料有限公司。
- Asahi Shimbun: I have two questions. 第一,以史為鑒,面向未來。
- Japanese Logistics Case: Kanagawa Logistics Center of ASAHI Breweries LTD. 日本物流案例:朝日啤酒神奈川物流中心。
- For further information, please contact Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation. 如需進一步的資訊,請聯繫旭化成化學公司。
- Reporter of the Asahi report on housing partial leakage through the night rain. 記者段旭報道屋漏偏逢連夜雨。
- Japan's three major newspapers which are? Asahi, Yomiuri, there is a what? 摘日本要:請日本問日本的三大報社都是哪些?朝日、讀賣、還有一家是什麼?
- Behind the scenes clip of making the commercial films of Asahi Beer. 周融見工面試絕密錄影片段,睇完笑到我嘔電!
- English : Yomiuri shinbun: recently the web page of a Japanese Shinto shrine was subjected to prolonged attacks by hackers, leading to an extended stop of the services. 中文:《讀賣新聞》:日本靖國神社的網頁最近遭到黑客的長時間攻擊,導致該神社的網頁長時間無法使用。
- Yomiuri shinbun: recently the web page of a Japanese Shinto shrine was subjected to prolonged attacks by hackers, leading to an extended stop of the services. 《讀賣新聞》:日本靖國神社的網頁最近遭到黑客的長時間攻擊,導致該神社的網頁長時間無法使用。
- We regret to have to complain of the bad quality of shipment of sugar per"Asahi Maru.". 非常對不起,貴公司「旭日」號貨輪所運來的砂糖質量實在太差。
- Quoting Japanese government officials, the Yomiuri Shimbun and Asahi Shimbun reported today that Koizumi plans to depose Miyaji on the 15th. 讀賣和朝日新聞今天引述日本黨政官員的話報導,小泉計畫十五日將宮路免職。
- The writer is a columnist and chief diplomatic correspondent for the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. 作者是日本《朝日新聞》的專欄作家和首席外交事務記者。
- We have TsingTao, Tiger, Budweiser, Blue Strip, Asahi, Yanjing, Carlsberg, Heineken and XueHua. Would you like some? 有青島、虎牌、百威、藍帶、朝日、燕京、嘉士伯、喜力和雪花。想來點嗎?
- Overseas suppliers: INVISTA, BASF, Mitsubishi Chemical, Taiwan Dalian, Korean PTG, Formosa Asahi and other companies. 國外供應商:英威達、BASF、三菱化學、台灣大連、韓國PTG、台塑旭等公司。
- Asahi Aluminum, Hitachi Metals and UBE that have smaller scale cooperate with Honda, Nissan and Mazda respectively. 其餘如旭鋁、日立金屬、宇部興產(UBE),規模較小,分別對應本田、日產、馬自達。
- Filtration method is subject to feed water quality. Consult Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation for further information. 根據進水水質不同,可以選擇不同過濾方式,有關詳情請向本公司諮詢聯繫。
- Asahi electrode being applied to AC or DC furnace got highly commented by customers . 「旭日」牌電極無論在AC爐還是DC爐上使用都受到很好的評價。