- BUT ARROW'S THEOREM is unduly negative.It requires that an electoral method must satisfy a given axiom, no matter what voters' rankings turn out to be. 但亞洛的定理矯枉過正,該定理主張,選舉方法須符合某一特定原則,不管投票者的評比結果為何。
- It is to be noted that Thevenin 's theorem applies to AC as well as to DC circuits. 要注意,代文寧定理不僅適用於直流電路,也適用於交流電路。
- This paper introduces the Buckingham s theorem on dimension analysis and proves it by using method of linear algebra. 介紹了量綱分析中的白金漢定理,並且線性代數的方法予以了證明,通過兩則例子說明了該定理的應用。
- A simple experiment to demonstrate the Konig s theorem in rigid body s plane-parallel motion is introduced. 介紹了剛體平面平行運動中的柯尼希定理的驗證實驗,並用三種不同形狀的剛體驗證了柯尼希定理。
- Freudenstein s Theorem is an important theorem for a plane four-bar linkages charac-teristic. Two alternative proofs of the theorem are presented. 弗羅丹斯頓定理是平面四桿機構特性中一個重要的定理,介紹了該定理兩種不同的證明方法。
- Present study discovers that there are two problems of non-identity and limitation in Betti s theorem of reciprocal works. 本研究發現,功的互等的貝蒂定理存在著非同一性和局限性兩個問題,對這兩個問題進行了分析,給出了修正的功的互等定理及其應用。
- Two examples, the proffs of both the formulas for the star -delta transformation and Rosen s theorem, are given in this papaer. 本文就此列舉了兩個例子:星形與三角形網路等效互換公式的證明以及羅森定理的證明。
- Meanwhile, some combined application examples for solving the instantaneous center on planar mechanism through Lou"s theorem are also given. 同時,給出了羅洪田定式在求解平面機構瞬心中的組合應用類型。
- The splitting method is employed to demonstrate the Miller s theorem and coupling Miller s theorem and the ap- plication of the splitting method for circuit analysis is described by using example. 用阻抗分裂法證明了密勒定理及對偶密勒定理,並舉例說明了阻抗分裂法在電子線路分析中的應用。
- According to current engineering hydrodynamics, there s positively constant head loss in Bernoulli s theorem for identical stream line in viscous fluid, which can later turn into heat and dissipate. 現行工程流體力學與水力學理論通常認為粘性流體元流伯努利方程中的水頭損失項是恆正的,並且這部分損失的機械能轉變為熱而耗散掉了。
- An arrow whizzed past and stuck in a tree. 一支箭「颼」地一聲飛過去,釘在一棵樹上。
- I have to say that my favorite question came from a student who asked if our quest to understand nature at the particle level was never-ending, due to Godel』s Theorem or something like that. 科學課最沒意思了,老師盡在那裡講那些沒意思的東西,又不做實驗,一點都不好玩。」我不知道這小傢伙是不是真知道實驗是什麼。
- A word spoken is an arrow let fly. 一言出口,如箭離弦。
- He shot an arrow, but it fell short of the target. 他射了一箭,但沒有射中靶。
- The arrow just split the apple in half. 箭把蘋果分成兩半。
- The arrow is pointing the wrong way. 這個箭頭指錯了方向。
- The arrow embedded itself deeply in the door. 這支箭深深地嵌在了門上。
- He sent the arrow forthright toward the target. 他把箭徑直射向目標。
- Draw not your bow before your arrow is fixed. [諺]箭未搭好別先拉弓; 三思而後行。
- The arrow flew straight and true to its mark. 那箭不偏不斜地直朝目標飛去。